Chapter 9- Desperate measures

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update, oops .. well graduation is over and I am finally done with high school. Hallelujah! So more updates will be out. I actually might make this story longer maybe because I have nice ideas. Plus I don't think I'm ready to finish this story yet. I really hope you like this guys :D this chapter was actually really awkward because I don't really write kinky chappies... but anyway heres a question of the chapter for you. Do you think it was a good idea for Neymar to sign with Barca? Enjoy!!

The song goes with the part where Belle is talking to Declain. Btw.


It was the peak on the evening when the sunlight fades as the night begins to appear. Normally, Belle would be right on her porch looking up at the beautiful Brazil sky, but she wasn't. Instead she stood outside Neymar's villa looking up. "Desperate times call for desperate measures." She whispered to herself.

It felt as if she were back in the past when she would climb in his window at night during a summer lightning storms. Now she has no where to go except the comfort of herself and her blankets. Once she reached his window, she spotted him from across the room sitting in his computer chair doing what seemed like reading. She tried to be silent by grabbing the sides of it and sliding it open swiftly. He didn't budge.

Sitting awkwardly on the windowsill, she looked over herself one more time. "Neymar." He sighed deeply in annoyance at the sound of her voice. He was in no means to talk to her. Seeing her would only make things worse right now.

Belle jumped down and step a bit closer.

"Bigfoot ..please talk to me?" No response from him.

"Fine." She breathed, she really didn't want to do this..well she did, but only if the feeling was mutual. Her hands grabbed the strings on her trench jacket and untied it. The jacket fell to the floor.

"Now will you?"

Neymar groaned loudly and spun around in his chair. " Belle, didn't I already explain that I don't want--" his voice got caught in his throat once he saw Belle in nothing but a pair of lace panties. Her curly hair fell covering her chest.

"Belle..I-I.." A dark blush was now covering his toned cheeks as he tried covering his eyes. "W-What are you doing?!"

She stepped over to him and grabbed his hands in his and pulled him off of his seat to where he was towering over her. She could feel his hardened member pushing against her stomach and a smirk spread on her face.

"Neymar, I know you can't resist. " she whispered and began to leave soft kisses on his chest.

"But.. Belle.." his voice grew heavy and gruff as his breathing was heavier.

"Come with me." Her hands landed on the center of his shirt and pulled on it tightly as she led him to the bed.

He layed down on his soft bed and watched Belle crawl on top of him until she was straddling him. This had to have been a dream, the third time this week. Belle wouldn't just randomly come on to him like this.

He wanted to speak, but his hormones got the best of him and he began to think with his other head.

"I've wanted this for a while, Belle." He admitted and fought more blush from crawling to his cheeks. She smirked and bent down to kiss his lips. Her soft lips only drove Neymar even more crazy. He groaned in content and kissed her back more intensely.

This wasn't right, he didn't want to have his first time to be like this.


"Belle, Belle." He spoke between kisses, only to be shh'ed by her. No matter how bad he wanted her to stop, he couldn't control himself. Soon his and Belle's clothes were on the ground next to his bed and they were in a heated make out session.

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