Chapter 3- To you?

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*2 years ago.*

Suddenly,it felt as he was invisible again,like the first day of school. Neymar stood at his locker waiting by himself for the bell to ring. Usually, Belle would be there keeping him company,but recently she had been keeping Kelvin Avenia company.

Surely, he knew Belle wouldn't be there forever,not all wishes work out. "Neymar." Belle squeaked, coming his way down the hallway. She looked more radiant than ever and it was as if she were walking in slow motion.

She had such a strong effect on his heart and would make his heart stop, knees weak, and brain mush. Her hair bounced perfectly with every step she took, and her smile,so bright,so blinding. He felt as if he were going to pass out then and there, for he never met someone so beautiful. But he knew having feelings for her was extremely unacceptable and inappropriate. She was his best friend,and unfortunately that's all she would ever be.

Just as she was nearing close to him, two light muscular arms wrapped tightly around her waist and quickly redirected her away from Neymar. She twisted her neck and planted her perfect lips on Kelvin's. Within a matter of seconds, Neymar was just another person in the hallway to her.


"Now seniors, part one of your senior projects are underway!" Miss. Marcos was overly cheerful for it being only 9:30 in the morning and it began to send chills down Neymar's spine. "Now, this part of the project is of course," she threw her arms up in air for affect as if reminding us that she was the art teacher, "an art one!"

Neymar,along with other students rolled their eyes in unison.

"You have to draw a picture of something you care deeply about. It could be a television show, a sport, anything, anyone."

A lightbulb seemed to appear on top of Neymar's head. His idea may be tricky, but it might just be tricky enough to work. Yes, there was a chance that he will have his heart ripped out, but there might also be a chance that she could like him back.

It was something she had to try though, something had to be done. If not, the feelings were going to burst out of him in a way he wouldn't like. So he took out his sketchbook and pencils and began to work on what could be the most important project he's had in high school.


"Neymar?" Belle jumped at the sound of the front door of the villa slamming. Her being alone in the large house caused her to catch a bit paranoia. Too much paranoia, and lately, she has been fearing everything and started feeling distant with the world. She started having hallucinations and she could swear someone was always with her.

A uniformed Neymar walked into the room Belle was in and didn't make contact. He just couldn't bare to look her directly in the eyes anymore, it would cause him guilt and regret and seeing the pain in her eyes would surely make him break down right then and there in front of her. "Did your teacher come today?" He asked blandly, still avoiding contact. He managed to keep his eyes on the bag and pretended to be on a deep search for something important.

She nodded her head and continued to stare at this man who had been so generous to her lately. Honestly, at first she didn't like the fact of being taken care of, especially while having to be taken away from her family. Though, if someone is willing to do this for her, he must really care.

"Have you taken your medication?"

"What medication?" She cocked her head. Fear suddenly entered her body, was she suppose to take medication? Stupid dupid herp derp. The voice she'd been hearing all day woke from its nap and started ringing in her ears again.

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