The tides are getting higher.

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Danny's POV.

I patted the bed next to me. I decided what I was looking for wasn't here so I wrapped the king sized blanked, that me and Bed shared, around the bottom half of my naked body and went to look for him. The rest of the guys were sat around the table talking in hushed voices.

'What are you cunts whispering about?' I whispered when I was standing behind them. Cam and James jumped a little and Sam physically tensed. I took that as an indicator that something bad was happening.

'What's going on? Where's Ben?' I barely whispered. James nodded to the buses doorway. I made my way slowly to the door, stopping just before I got there, I felt my world start to fall apart.

'Ben I'm sorry, I should have never left and I know you didn't mean the things you said. Just take me back...please.' Shit. It was her...the whore. Sam. I felt my whole world fall apart. My breath got caught in my throat as I waited for Ben's reply.

'I'm sorry Sam...I'm in love with someone else...we were a mistake.' I let out a sigh of relief. He didn't care about her.

'Danny?' I tensed and poked my head around the door. Sam had an unattractive scowl plastered on her face and Ben looked at me with relief mixed with slight disappointment.

'Oh my and that fat cunt are together? That is fucking disgusting!' Sam threw her wedding at Ben's feet slipped me the finger and walked off swaying her slutty hips, 'You haven't heard the last of the Worsnop!' She yelled over her shoulder. My heart sank a little at her threat. What did she mean? I looked at Ben who looked like he'd aged a couple years. So I pulled him by the hand back onto the bus and into my arms. Not caring that the guys could see us.

'Jesus Ben what happened? You look like shit.' Boy Sam asked, his voice filled with concern. I pulled Ben to arms length and smiled at him before letting him go. He took my hand and pulled me over to the guys.

'Just Sam came back and begged me to take her back, but I said no and she found out that me and Danny are together but she doesn't know we are engaged.' Ben said bluntly. The guys nodded as they processed what Ben had just said.

'She threatened Danny too.' I put my arm around Ben's shoulders.

'I should have known the tides were getting higher.' I whispered to myself. I looked up to see James, Cam and Sam smiling.

'We can still survive.' Ben laughed and elbowed me in ribs playfully. I giggled.

Ben's P.O.V

'Danny? Danny, where are you?!?' I yelled up the empty corridor. They said he was here...he even confirmed he was here...but why? Why in an empty school at night?

'Ben...' Danny's voice came from a room down the hall. Walking towards it I realised it was mine and Danny's old form room...

I pushed the door open and my heart stopped. Danny lay on the floor covered in blood whimpering and moaning. I took little steps towards him. Taking him in. His face was covered in blood and cuts which made tears spring to my eyes.

'Danny?' I whispered as I knelt next to him. He looked up an his eyes widened web he saw me.

' shouldn't be here.' Danny said. His voice laced with pain.

'Why?' I asked...I wanted to know who did this to him.

'Because you just fell right into my trap.' Girl Sam stepped out from behind the door.

'What the fuck?!?' I yelled as two males pulled me away from Danny.

'You both are going to hell but I thought I'd give your beloved Danny here a sneak preview.' She growled and she walked up to Danny and began cutting his body up agin.

'No!' I yelled and struggled against the hands that held me still, Danny let out a strangled moan in pain and let out small screams. My eyes were watering like crazy, tears running like a river down my cheeks.

'You can't possibly live him Ben...he come between us. If you take me back I'll let him go.' She said as she sunk the small razor into his neck.

'Never you fucked up bitch.' I spat at her.

'Then I guess he dies.' She said bluntly as she kept digging the blade into the flesh on Danny's neck...he screamed and struggled against her hold. I stood paralysed watching Danny scream in pain...until his body fell limp...

'Let him go...there isn't any need for us to be here anymore.' Sam dropped the razor at her feet along with the gloves she was wearing and escaped through the window. I ran and dropped to my knees at Danny's side, hoping he was just knocked out. I held my hands over his bleeding neck.

It was no use...he's dead.

It's my fault.


I woke up in a puddle of my own sweat Danny's arms wrapped around my torso...still breathing. Good. I snuggled back against him counting his heart beats until I fell back to sleep.


AN: I have nothing against Sam. I think her and Ben are perfect together...sorry it took long to upload :3

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