Chapter 2: New Kids

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Chapter 2

New Kids


The pool is a wonderful place. You will never know how much I love to feel the water gliding around my body when I push myself through it; the way my muscles feel strong and lean when I’m swimming laps.

Today was a day of play, not practice, though. Mine and Reesie’s mom brought us here for a day of relaxation.

None of us talked about what had happened in the park last week. All of us thought about it though. Especially me. I mean, how cliche would it have been?

I suggested to Reese that it was a werewolf. And don’t you dare think that I’m crazy for saying this. I know you thought it too. Come on, us talking about wanting mates, enter mysterious thing in the forest.

Reese splashed me in the face. “Look!”

She pointed towards the designated seating area. There, sitting in all his tall, glorious, muscled beauty, was Jax Ciricillo. He came here every summer, like most wealthy people do. And this year, it seems like he brought company. There were three other tall and lean young men and two girls standing by him.

“Let’s go check it out!” Reese said excitedly and pulled herself out of he pool. I tried to grab her ankle and stop her, but she was too quick.

Hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

“Hey, Jax,” I smiled and said as we got nearer. We were pretty friendly, us both being swimmers. “Nice to see you back.”

“Hey, Rhylee.” He gave me a huge smile back. Then he turned to Reese and gave her a little push. “Nice to see you too, Reesie.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She waved her hand at him. “Who are the newbies here?”

“Oh, right. This is Drake, Cyrus, Archer, Bambi, and Farrah. Tara and Priscilla should be here soon.” He pointed at each of them as he said their names. And I noticed how Cyrus looked Reese up and down.

“We should hang out sometime,” Reesie said, looking back at Cyrus. “Show you around town and all.”

“That does sound like fun.” A ginger walked up, using a tone of voice that definitely meant she was peeved.

“Here she is,” Cyrus said, wrapping an arm around the girl. “This is Tara. And here comes Pris.

An amazing looking girl was strutting her way towards us. Her hair bounced in just that way, and the sunlight made her golden. I was admiring her when she sidled herself up against Jax. For some unknown reason, I was extremely jealous.

Until he awkwardly pulled himself away from her, peeling her off like a dirty band-aid. He gave me what seemed to be a sheepish apologetic smile.

I just grabbed my arm and looked away.

“Why don’t we go swimming now!” Archer said, trying to lighten up what had quickly become a heavy mood.

“Ya, sounds fun,” Farrah said and sat down on the edge of the pool. “The water’s great, too.”

Archer snuck up behind her and pushed her in. When she resurfaced, her make-up was smeared across her scowl.

“Archer, you jerk!” He was still laughing when she grabbed him by the leg and pulled him in. The scene was too funny not to laugh at.

We spent the rest of the day at the pool, laughing, eating, and playing. But the whole time, I couldn’t help but think. Isn’t it at least a little too convenient? I mean, the wishing for mates, the odd howling thing in the woods, now the new kids in town. Not to mention all of the new kids are tall and fit. The exact description of a- no, never mind. I should really start reading different books.

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