Chapter 7: All Night

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Chapter 7

All Night


I was diagnosed at the age of thirteen with insomnia. I haven’t been able to get a truly “good night sleep” for just about four years. I mostly stayed up watching reruns of shows on the Disney channel, or read whatever book my mom decided to pick up for me. Tonight, however, it didn’t seem like I was the only one who wasn’t going to sleep.

Reese, Rhylee, and I were spending the night at Selena’s house. It seems that first date jitters had already hit.

“Are you sure I should wear this?” Selena asked, holding up what was probably the twentieth top she had pulled out of her closet.

“Completely positive,” Reese said and nodded

Selena slipped the green top on over her head and examined herself in the mirror. “Well, I guess-”

“Shut up! It looks great!” Reese said. “It makes your eyes pop and your skin look flawless. Wear it.”

Rhylee tossed Selena a pair of tight jeans and tan heels. “These jeans look awesome on you. And he’s super tall, especially compared to you-” Selena threw a pillow at her face “-hence the heels.”

“Ya, but what if the heels backfire? He could like her short. And, what if they go to someplace where heels would be bad? Like the woods, or a park, or something,” Reese said, inspecting the plain shoes.

“What!?  Would he really not like me if I was taller? And why would we go to the woulds? I mean, that’s not exactly a normal place to be on a first date. And why-”

I stood up and grabbed Selena by the shoulders. “Calm. Your. Ass. Down. He'll like you with or without the heels. And besides, I thought you didn’t even want to go on this date in the first place?”

“I don’t.” Selena said stubbornly. “But I just have this need to please him, and I don’t know why.”

“Well, drop it,” Reese said disgustedly. “That’s weird.”

Rhylee laughed, “All right, no more date stuff. Time for movies! Which one first?”

“Oh, how about we do scariest to funniest?” Reese suggested.

“Looks like Texas Chainsaw Massacre it is.” Rhylee popped the DVD in and her, Reese and Selena all settled in to watch the movie.

I, however, hate horror flicks. I can’t stand them. So I sat in a corner of the bed so I was farthest from the Tv that was hanging on the wall. I pulled my iPhone from my pocket and began playing Temple Run. A few minutes into the game though, a message popped up from an unknown number,

I can’t wait to see you Saturday :)

Well, that was creepy. I thought of telling my friends, but I know they would only mess with the person who sent it. So I decided to reply with the obvious: Who is this?

I got immediate response. My bad. It’s Drake.

I couldn’t help but smile to myself. He had actually gone through the trouble of getting my number to talk to me. I felt my whole body lighten and suddenly I was giddy,

We talked about a lot of different stuff- what he was doing (watching My Crazy Obsession), what I was doing, and we played 20 Questions. Before I knew it, Rhylee, Reese, and Selena were done with the movie. They were all shaken and scared and utterly shocked when they looked over and saw a broad grin on my face.

“Holy crap, Haven! How could you be smiling like that after that?” Rhylee asked and looked at her like she was crazy.

“No, that’s not why she’s smiling.” Selena said. I just realized he was standing above me, reading over my shoulder. “She’s been texting Drake.”

A new message popped up.

“And look at that.” Reese said, now also reading over my shoulder. “He just called her pretty.”

“Poor boy. He must have it bad.” Selena sounded sympathetic.

“Ya. I hope he knows Haven doesn’t date.” Rhylee said, obviously feeling bad for him too.

“Maybe he’s just a glutton for punishment?” Reese suggested.

I jumped off of the bed. “Would you guys stop? Can’t a boy call a girl pretty without being ridiculed?”

“Not if he’s calling you pretty.” Selena said, looking accusingly at me.

“Well, maybe I could talk my mom into letting me go out with this one.” I said and looked at the floor.

“Hold up a sec.” Reese said, holding up her hands. “Is the all elusive Haven breaking her no-dating policy?”

“I believe she is.” I replied and sat back down.

“Then by all means, flirt away.” Rhylee said and put the next movie in.

And flirt we did. We stayed up talking until I saw the sky from Selena’s window start to turn purple and then pink. We talked all night.

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