1 ; Riley

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Riley, had been planning to bring everyone back together for a while, but like every New Years resolution she had pushed the idea to the back of her mind. It was never the right time. School took so much of her time and she could only imagine that her friends were in the same situation. But now school was finished so she found herself running out of excuses.
She looked over to the shelve in her new dining room. Alone of the shelve sat her favorite picture, the picture was of her and her three best friends. She and Maya were still close but the phone calls the once lasted hours now last only a few minutes. Riley was disappointed with herself. How could she let their friendships fizzle out like that. She always imagined herself at collage, sharing a dorm with Maya. And Lucas and Frakle were always around because they just always were. Unfortunately that was only a dream. Maya had been excepted to a collage in California under a scholarship. Lucas had moved back to Texas, and Frakle had gone to study abroad at Oxford, London. While Riley went to school in New York, which was her home and she was glad she stayed. She loved being near her family. They were her rock. As her friends slowly left her parents filled the gaps.
In two months it was going to be Riley's 23rd birthday, this was her excuse to invite everyone to visit and reconnect with each other. Riley was now becoming excited. She raced over to her desk and pulled out some hand painted cards she had bought a craft fair a couple of weeks ago.

Hello, Darling friends!
I want to invite you all to a party I'm throwing on December 7th to celebrate my 23rd birthday at my new apartment. please feel free to arrive in New York before the 7th! I really hope you can attend.
please rsvp as soon as you can.
I miss you all dearly,
Riley Matthews

As soon as Riley was done writing all three letters she grabbed her coat and rushed to the post office to post them.

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