The Coma, The Paranoid, and The Injured

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Okay, I know you guys want the story from the last chapter... But still, you guys need to wait ;)

I'm finishing all request.

Oh yeah. Timeword13, you'll see a Kanera fluff here...

Well then, into the story!

Thank you, Midnight Luna, for this idea :) (I used both of your ideas)

What if Ezra's in a coma? (Hehehehe)

"What ?! 2 more days ?!"

"Woah Kanan. Slowdown..." Zeb tried to calm him down

"I can't slow down! My padawan is in a coma !" Kanan panicked.

Flashback !

"Are you really sure about this ?" Said Sabine

"I'm really sure! well- 99%..." Ezra grinned.

"You've just said that already !"

Wait, maybe a little bit more-" Ezra cutted one of the wire. But the clock didn't stop. It eventually got faster.

"Oops! Wrong wire"

"MOVE !" Sabine pushed Ezra aside right on time.


The bomb exploded flinging them to the air. Ezra's head got slammed into a wall with a burn mark and couple of bruises.

"Ezra !" Kanan ran into his padawan's side.

"No... Please wake up !" He shook Ezra's body, but he didn't move a bit

"No ! Come on please, I'm sorry I was a bad master."


"I'm sorry that sometimes I don't want to train you"

I'm still alive you know...

"I know! I just want to be emotional right now! So Sorry."

Did you take your medicines? And stop saying that and help Sabine!

Kanan turns his head and saw Sabine unconscious and also bleeding with Zeb beside her.

"Hera! We need a pickup. Ezra's injured, but Sabine got the worst part !"

"How bad ?"

"bruises, second-degree burn, a broken rib, and more !" Zeb lifted the Mando carefully. Sabine groaned a bit because of the pain.

"Oh- she's alive. Come on Ezra, wake up !"

Kanan ! Ugh, who am I kidding... You're too stubborn.

The Jedi took the padawan and ran into the ghost.

End of flashback!

"It's a good thing that Ezra only got a coma and couple of bruises that we can handle..." Hera tried to explain

"How's that good ?!"

"It's just a minor injury. Sabine pushed him away from the bomb on time." Said Zeb

"Stupid Jedi... jerk... freak..." Mumbled Sabine in anger. She can't speak clearly with a bandage around her mouth. The bandages also covered her arms, legs, and her body.

"What did she said ?" Kanan raised an eyebrow

"I don't know! She almost died and you just like 'oh she's alive !'" said Hera sarcastically.

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