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Disclaimer: No wanna do this!

You need to...


Okay, I'll promise that you'll be a part of the story... (No I won't)

Disclaimer: Yay! I do not own Star Wars Rebels. I won't and never will!

Rather be safe than sorry ;D

Here it goes...Thank you Rebels-lover for this idea XD

What if Kanan and Hera argue about paints...? (If you know what I mean...)

Hera is in the cockpit enjoying a great delicious cup of coffee (Space coffee?) while watching stars and comets pass by. The ghost crew is been told to stay in space hidden for 2 weeks if they're lucky, the empire stop the "search and destroy" protocol on every planet. This also means a vacation for the ghost crew. But staying at the ghost for too long, sometimes isn't good for some people.

The door hissed opened when Kanan comes in

"Hera, can we uh- talk ?" asked Kanan while sitting beside Hera.

"What's wrong now? Did Chopper break your meditation? Or is it Ezra whining about Zeb for not taking a shower ?"

"Not kind of that problems..."

"Is it about Zeb complaining about his little self ?"

"No, but if that happens, I would like to see him try to argue with Sabine. That Tooka is not that bad."

"So what is it love ?" Hera said. she notices Kanan's left hand have a slight paint on it.

"Paints..." Said Kanan while rubbing the back of his head.

"*sigh* You use the paints didn't you...?"

"I was only painting my armor, but I become more interested in painting other things, so... yeah."

"You know if Sabine finishes all of her paints."

"Soooo, can we buy more ?" Kanan smiles at her.

"Kanan, we just can't go to a near market to find paint, it'll be crawling with imperials..."

"Come on Hera, we can make an easy escape... Just send us to the nearest planet."

"No, it's too risky."

"That's what we do. We take risk to buy her a new paint"

"Love, she'll understand. It's not like the end of the world."

"I know. But for her, it's the end of the galaxy !" Suddenly, they hear a scream from the dining room.


"It's not that bad Zeb, besides, it's a picture of you made from ketchup." Ezra chuckled.

"But I like my waffles just the way they are. WITHOUT ANYTHING ON MY WAFFLES !" Zeb growls.

"You see ?!" Kanan said...

"Just keep Sabine away from the ketchup."

"She won't use the same thing. Blue milk, our water supplies, everything !"

"Just keep an eye on her"

"I'll tell Zeb and Ezra..." Kanan goes to find Ezra and Zeb who's been looking at his space waffles with a sad face.

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