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Song Above: Christopher Nolan - Yxng Bane

If you like this story then please check out my new story Me You And Winnie The Pooh! It needs all the love it can get! 😊🐻🍯

"Are you trying to yank my arm off?" I shrugged Brody's iron grip off my wrist and stopped in my tracks crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at him in annoyance.

After I said I'd rather die than go anywhere with him, he decided the best option was to use force and drag me to the bottom of his football pitch sized garden.

After checking my limbs were still intact, I squinted in the darkness to make out his silhouette.

He stopped short as he reached a tall fence and turned on his heel to face me, a smirk forming on his face.

"Ready to climb?" He said it as more of a statement rather than a question and my eyes widened at the realization of his words.

"Fuck that," I scoffed shaking my head rapidly at the idea of climbing that large fence. I was intent on living if I'm honest. I felt a gust of wind slice into my flesh and I shivered to wrap my arms around my frame.

"Stop being such a pussy," He sighed, a lace of annoyance in his tone as he patiently waited for me to give in to his demand.

Was the boy mentally insane?

How could he not see that one, I was small and could barely reach the top of the fence and even if I attempted to I would end up in a crumpled mess on the floor with god knows how many broken bones.

And two, I had no idea what lurked behind that fence. For all, I knew Brody could have planned all of this and the other side were riddled with murderous alligators that would eat a small brunette like me without a second thought.

"Nope," I immaturely stomped my foot on the ground and scowled when Brody rolled his eyes.

"Just stop being annoying Jones, I need to show you something,"

"If it's your dick, I've seen it remember? And it wasn't anything special," I bit my lip to stop the smirk forming on my face when I saw Brody's eyes darken and his jaw flex.

I loved pressing his buttons. If it were a sport I'd win Gold.

He sucked in a breath through his teeth " I distinctly remember you screaming my name, can't have been that bad could it?"

I felt my breath hitch in my throat and the blush form on my face at the truth of his words. I shouldn't have brought up our past sexual relations, I would loose in that category.

Brody was mind-blowing in that department, years of being a man-whore paid off.

"Whatever," I muttered darting my eyes to the ground in the hope he could not see the blush on my face in the darkness of the garden.

"Now are you going to come with me or not?" He moaned the patience in his voice wavering.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Only if you piss me off,"

"That's not very reassuring,"

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