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If you like this story then please check out my new story EVERY LITTLE THING! It needs all the love it can get! 😊

"Ivy, can you pay attention to me rather than your phone?"I looked over my phone screen at a pouty Rose.

We were currently sat in the queue at a McDonald's drive-through. I'd been craving french fries for day's and this was going to settle that craving. We'd opted for something greasy to fill the void that countless lessons and pretentious teachers had caused. Rose usually enjoyed schoolwork and hated junk food, but even she had enough today.

I couldn't tell if it was because of the foggy weather and the chill of the wind or because we both felt like crawling under a rock after the party. I still couldn't comprehend that I'd slept with Brody of all people. It was almost as if I was having an out-of-body experience and I was watching myself make epically bad decisions and there was nothing I could do about it.

I hated the fact that I'd enjoyed the way our bodies connected in a dance that only we understood. He'd made me feel real raw feelings that I didn't know was possible. I just wished that it could have been anyone else but him.

I always thought I was immune to the allure that was Brody Jackson, but God I was wrong.

"Earth to Ivy,"

A manicured hand waved in my face and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, "I'm sorry I was watching a funny TikTok," I muttered placing my phone on my lap and twisting my body to face Rose.

Happy that she had my undivided attention she sighed, "Thank you. I don't understand why you watch that stuff,"

"It's funny?" I said as if that was the most obvious answer.

She deadpanned, "Cats singing the songs to 50 cents candy shop is not funny, it's weird,"

"You are uneducated," I scoffed.

Rose and I were usually as compatible as you could get but when it came to social media we were the complete opposite. She'd prefer to perfect selfies on Instagram with the right filter and selfie light, whereas I'd rather watch funny videos and read conspiracy theories on Reddit.

"Whatever," She scoffed and then her lips curled up into a smile, "Have you seen the pictures from the party?"

"No?" I raised a brow. I hadn't even realised pictures were being taken. I hoped I wasn't in any of them. I wasn't the most photogenic person to walk this earth and most pictures tended to illuminate my double chins.

"Yeah, Craig had a professional photographer take candid snaps. He likes to document all his parties," Rose pulled out her phone typed her passcode and began scrolling through what seemed to be a photographers Facebook page.

"How do you know that?" I asked and I watched as Rose's cheeks turned a flush pink.

She looked up at me sheepishly through her thick lashes, "He told me,"

A devilish grin spread across my face, "Craig told you huh?"

"Yes," She squirmed in her seat and I secretly liked her discomfort. She hadn't gone into details about her steamy night with Craig, not that I wanted to hear the gory details, but that didn't mean I wouldn't tease her about it.

"Was that before or after you sat on his weener?" She gasped and slapped her hand on my shoulder, "Ivy, don't speak like that. You're making me cringe,"

I put my hands up in defence, "I'm only asking. You seem to know a lot for someone who only slept with the guy,"

She looked back at her phone and tried to ignore me even though my stares were boring into the side of her face.

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