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Song Above: Waiting For You Grizfolk

If you like this story then please check out my new story Me You And Winnie The Pooh! It needs all the love it can get! 😊🐻🍯

If Brody could have opened his mouth any wider he would have eaten the burger in one bite. He gulped it down and without pausing to breathe he took another bite bigger than before. He swallowed, licked his lips and grabbed a handful of fries and paused when he saw my face.

My nose wrinkled and I drew my head back, "Are you going to chew at any point?"

He nods and takes a large gulp of his soda, "Shopping makes me hungry,"

"You barely shopped, it was me who had to look around whilst you played candy crush,"

He rolled his eyes, "Why are you complaining? I thought girls liked this kind of stuff,"

I was very close to stabbing him in the eye with one of his fries.

"Funnily enough this isn't what I'd call fun,"

"You aren't a big shopper? You dress like you are," I guess there was a compliment somewhere.

"Nope, I get so bored and I feel like it's time-wasting, I'd rather order stuff online."

His lips curled up into a smirk, "But you got to spend time with me,"

I looked away and swallowed.

Touché Brody, touché.

"So let's have a look at what we've brought," He didn't react at my pathetic attempt of changing the subject whilst I rummaged through the shopping bags.

We'd settled for a few tops, a skirt and some pink Nike trainers. It was simple but enough for Rose to be happy.

"I'm not helping you wrap these, you can do that on your own-"

"What's it like to date my brother?"

I paused mid rummaged and slowly looked up to find Brody staring at me. A line had appeared between his brows and his lips were held in a thin line as he waited for my answer.

"Uh, um it's uh," I scrambled to find the right words. His question had caught me off guard.

What was it like to date Ryan?

"He's sweet and he is always good at the whole texting and calling and always walks me to class," I shrug, "Why do you ask?"

He leant back into his chair, "I just thought he was always a wet sock with girls,"

I burst out laughing. I'd never heard someone refer to someone else as a wet sock let alone their own brother.

"He is on the sensitive side," I tried to defend him but failed miserably.

A smile played on Brody's lips, "You're not helping," He looked around the room then looked back at me, "I think he gets it from his mom,"

"His mom?"

"Yeah, there's always something she's upset about, the woman needs to chill out,"

"I mean you are horrible to her," I point out.

His smile fades and he narrows his eyes at me, "I never say anything that she doesn't deserve,"

I suddenly feel uncomfortable from his shift in moods, "I mean I don't know your situation so I shouldn't really comment you know-"

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