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Song Above: LA Is Lonely

If you like this story then please check out my new story Me You And Winnie The Pooh! It needs all the love it can get! 😊🐻🍯


"Did you know about this?" I didn't miss a beat as I came charging into my father's office.

He was at his desk typing away at his laptop. He looked over the screen, his glasses balancing on the end of his nose and his relaxed expression instantly hardened at the sight of me.

He looked at the letter scrunched in my grip and sighed leaning back into his chair.

He pulled his glasses off and rubbed at his temple, "What is it now Brody? Was accusing me of killing your mother not enough?"

"These letters," I waved the papers in my hand ignoring his last comment, "Did you know about them? You must have when you packed moms things away or even before when she was alive?"

"Brody," He gave me a warning look, which I had chosen to ignore for better or worse, I wasn't too sure.

"Don't try to hide from the truth Dad,"

He let out an exasperated breath. If my father liked me before he sure as hell didn't now, "Will you please give up with these Sherlock Holmes antics, they found your mothers killer, leave it to rest,"

He wasn't as angry compared to the other night. He just looked exhausted. He let out a sigh and took a sip of his water. I noticed the way his hand shook as the glass reached his lips.

This wasn't my dad. He was normally calm and collected. He would never have let me see a weakness before.

This was bad, real bad.

"But you must have known surely?" I pushed, I was relentless I was my father's son after all. We'd never had left without answers.

"Is it your sole purpose to punish me?" He bristled, "Have I not done enough for you?"

"Answer the question," I said impatiently and watched as my father's attempt at a calm demeanor dissolved.

"I do not need to answer to you," he brushed me off and continued to tap at his screen ignoring me completely.

He was playing a child's game, well I could be just as childish.

I walked over and closed his laptop shut, "Dad for once in your life could you be honest and tell me the truth,"

"Yes, I did know," He said quickly his voice wavering, "I knew way before your mothers passing, I'd accidentally opened her mail one day,"

My eyes widened and I stared at him stunned. I took a couple of seconds to register his words and sunk into a chair.

"So you did know," I half-whispered to myself.

He knew and he had kept it to himself all these years. I'd always thought my mom was the victim but maybe she wasn't as innocent as I hoped or believed.

It was as if all the missing edges of the puzzle that is my life was finally coming together. Small moments were starting to make sense.

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