Chapter 24

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~Katie's POV~

Bursting through the hospital doors, I scanned the area for the receptionist. As I spotted my target, my feet raced to the desk like a child on a smartie, Nick attempting to keep up. My feet skidded across the smooth white floors as the lady occupying the desk looked up at me boredly. I was surprised she didn't cringe, I probably looked like some bush person coming to eat her patients with my makeup streaked cheeks and puffy eyes. But then again, she probably saw people in distress all the time.

I tried to speak, but my vocal chords were worn from the intense sobbing on the way to the hospital. My eyes still shed a waterfall of tears, unable to be stopped. I looked to Nick, mentally willing him to speak for me.

"Um hello there, would you mind directing us to where Marissa Carter is?" His British accent rang clearly through the almost empty corridor.

I saw the lady's eyes light up as she set them on Nick, obviously absorbing his beauty like any other female would do in his presence. I didn't have the strength to care about her actions, only the fact that mattered was that Marissa would be okay.

She smiled at Nick before turning to her computer screen, typing rapidly. I chewed my lip harshly, wiping the tears away from my cheeks as I waited in an anxious state.

"I'm afraid you can't visit her right now." She announced shortly, still ogling Nick with her chocolate brown eyes, her gaze making him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Why is that?" Nick furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at me in concern.

"I'm afraid all I can tell you is that the doctors are running numerous tests on her right now. When they're available, they will share more detailed information with you. In the meantime, you can wait there." She motioned to the chairs behind us, occupied by a lone scruffy looking man.

"Thank you." We turned on our heel and sat in the chairs in the farthest corner from public eye. I could barely contain my shaking as I brought my knees to my chest, slowly rocking myself in a comforting manner. Nick's large hand soothingly rubbed my back in small circles as I quietly sobbed into my legs. He murmured soft words of comfort into my ear as I cried myself into a trance

* * * * *

"Katie, love, wake up." I opened my heavy eyelids to stare right into Nick's blue orbs. His face was only a few inches from mine, his breath tickling my lips. Close enough that if I was to lean forward, our lips would meet. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts. I was here for my best friend, not to fantasize about Nick.

I slowly stood up as I noticed the presence of a doctor.

"You must be Katie, Marissa's roommate." His deep voice bellowed through my ears. I nodded weakly, the tears yet again brimming on my waterline.

"My name is Dr. Felix. I would like to speak to you and Mr. Hoult in private." He shook our hands before motioning for us to follow his as he winded down the uniformed halls of the hospital. Nick's arm was draped over my shoulder in a comforting manner as I leaned into him, trying to walk in a straight line. I tried to keep my thoughts off of what was so important that it had to be spoken in private, but it was an impossible task. My mind continuously ran over the millions of possible scenarios I was soon to hear.

We soon came across a small empty room. Dr. Felix closed the door promptly behind us. His eyes quickly scanned over us before returning to his clipboard he had been carrying.

"I know this may come as a shock, and I am very sorry to deliver the news, but Marissa has fallen into a coma from the major head injuries and blood loss she has suffered. We have conducted as many tests as we could with her unconscious, but we are unable to tell the amount of brain damage that has been done. She was hit by a pickup truck. The driver of the truck suffered almost no injuries..."

My attention span wavered from there. My breath caught in my throat, fingernails digging into the palms of my hand. A coma. My best friend was in a coma. All because of me.

The tears rolled down my face as I leaned into Nick's comfortable embrace. His arms wrapped around my frail body as it was wracked with my sobbing.

I heard the muffled continued voice of the doctor, "Theres about a 30% chance of her waking up again. And even if she does, there will most likely be consequences to deal with. Don't lose hope though. Many miracles have happened in the past in this sort of situation." His voice showed a small bit of sympathy, although, like the receptionist, I assumed he was used to dealing with occurrences like the present one.

Without another word, he led us towards Marissa's hospital room. The blank walls passed at a slow pace, my legs barely being able to hold myself up, adrenaline shooting through them.

We then approached a hospital room bearing a plain white door, like the room we had just exited. Dr. Felix looked at us in suspense, the sympathy clear in his eyes, before pulling the door open like a curtain to a theatre.

Lying in the bed was the still body of Marissa. I would have believed that she was dead other than the slight movement of her chest and beeping of the heat monitor beside her. Her head was wrapped in white gauze, only allowing her face to be shown. Her face bore no expression, almost as if she was in a deep slumber. It was a terrifying look, though. The cloth around her torso matched her head.

I quickly detached myself from Nick's side, sprinting to the bedside chair to grab my best friend's hand. Her pale complexion burned a hole in my heart as my tears stained the bed sheets. I hear the door close as Nick entered the room, leaving us to privacy. Nick sat in the chair opposite of the side of the bed I had occupied, a look of concentration enveloping his features.

Squinting my eyes shut, I held Marissa's hand to my lips as I whispered apologies amongst its white surface.

We sat in that quiet environment for a long time, the only sound breaking the silence being my escaping sobs. Before I knew it, I had drifted off again, this time accompanied by my very ill best friend.


Hello everyone...

I don't even know if this book is still in your library. Wattpad fucked it up so bad. I still have all the chapters in my works but they don't appear in the book! I tried republishing them but it wouldn't help. I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry for being a fuckup. I can't do anything right. I mess up everything. I'm updating this chapter early as an apology. Please forgive me. Please.

Anyways, comment on how the story is in your library. How many chapters it has and its cover and stuff. If tou want the whole thing, its on instagram with the user nick_hoult_fanfic. Thank god i saves it there.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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