Chapter 7: Mix Tapes, Singing, and Soccer Balls

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"Do you sing?" Lauren laughed at Niall's question. She then shook her head and shoved a forkful of hash browns into her mouth. "What how is that funny?" Niall put down his fork to look at her. The two were having breakfast together in the hotel restaurant before the day's activities with the rest of the group. Louis found out that Sammy used to play soccer, well football, and insisted that they play a game.

"What?" Lauren swallowed.

"Well, you looked at me like a freak for asking you a question. So, can you sing?" Lauren shook her head.

"I already said no." She just laughed in disbelief. "It's really no big deal."

"I so don't believe you."

"What are you going to do?" She shot him a look.

"I'll figure something out." He looked like he was thinking, but then he went back to eating. He could figure out what to do after breakfast. "Oh," he wiped his mouth on his napkin. "I almost forgot," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a CD. "I, uh, well we were talking about music the other day and I thought I'd make you a CD of my favorite songs. I couldn't sleep last night, so I figured why not." He put it on the table only for Lauren to swiftly pick it up. She looked at it and grinned.

"That's so sweet." She giggled. "Another cheesy romantic thing I wanted to happen to me." Niall laughed. First it was the stuffed animal at the pier and now it was a mix tape. What was next, a surprise visit when she least expected it?

"Well, I guess that's another thing you can cross off your list."

"I can't wait to listen to it. Thanks, Niall." Niall looked on as Lauren admired the CD. She didn't even notice as he marveled at how beautiful she was. But, there was no way someone as pretty as Lauren would ever go for someone like him. He kept trying to tell himself not to fall for her, because besides the singing career, he had nothing going for him. At least nothing to win Lauren.

If only he knew how wrong he was, because across the table Lauren was already so in love. It was getting difficult to hide it. How much more perfect could he get? Of course Lauren was falling for him. He was everything she imagined him to be and so much more.

"Well," Niall finally broke the silence. Lauren snapped her head up. "You done?" Lauren looked down at her plate, with an expression mirroring a dear caught in the headlights of a car. She shook her head, trying to throw away her thoughts.

"Yeah, uh. Yeah, sorry. I sort of blanked out." Niall lightly laughed. He was suddenly nervous and he didn't know why.

"It's okay. I do that sometimes too." Both scooted back in their chairs and sat up and exited the restaurant. Just in time too, the lads and Sammy and Elyse had just come off of the elevator and Louis was eager to go.

The next thing Lauren and Niall knew they were in the back of One Direction's van on their way to a field where they could play. "Lauren?"

"Hmm?" Lauren turned her head to face Niall, removing her gaze from the passing scenery.

"Do you want to have dinner with me tonight? I mean. Tomorrow's our last day and I have a place I'd like to take you." Lauren smiled. Could it be, a date?

"I'd love that." Niall rubbed his sweaty palms on his legs.

"Great, well. It's settled then." Lauren went back to looking out the window and Niall looked at his lap. He had a stupid grin on his face that seemed to be permanent. The rest of the car ride was awkwardly silent. Liam and Louis were on their phones and Sammy and Harry were laughing about something. Zayn and Elyse were having what look to be an intense conversation. And there was Niall, smiling like an idiot as Lauren looked out the window.

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