chapter 8

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"I-" she started again to apologize but he cut her off.

"I'm sorry" he said looking down his heart was shattered for her expression made him realise he was with out a chance.

"Why are you sorry? I'm sorry" she was now shivvering in cold broken hearted winds of hurt.

"Please, be my secret, just be my secret little anything you like." He looked up. Now he had to use this. This was him. His cheeky stubborn but persuasive, powerful and lustful personality. This is what she must like. And he was in fact right.

"Excuse me" a cheeky smirk playing on her lips as she shifted into a better position. She licked her chapped lips and he felt a knot in his stomche and a rising ball of lust in his eyes and throat.

"Damn" he slurred out watching her lips. Wait did I say that aloud. He questioned him self and the caught her laugh.

"Yes conor you did say that aloud" he flushed red but then stiffend up.

"Esmea be my secret"

"With all the pleasure conor" she chuckled and soon he was up and out of the room.


What? Did I just agree to being his secret?

What sort? Maybe this is bad? This is definitely wrong.

I sat back and pressed play on my stereo.

Song:temporary fix (reapet song until end of chapter)

I huffed and herd the music kick up.

Then his voice shatters me...

"You like this song too huh?" He winked at me and gave me a cup of coffee.

"Of course why would you?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows trying to avoid the butter flies that had parted into one big beautiful butterfly flying around in a small cage.

"Reminds me of someone" he said glancing to me and smirking. I gulped realising he ment me.

"I see, and how?"

"She needs to let loose. She definitely needs to be loose on me. And I think I wonna have a fun adventures play about friends with benefits fling. With my step sister and um all her flowers. So may may you be my temporary fix.. May you be my secret little anything"

Hey this ain't over cuz guess what double update tonight!!! I love uuuuu

my stepsister and her flowersWhere stories live. Discover now