chapter 6

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She blinked away the sun. Light blurring her vision put of the gap in the curtains.

"Hey, good morning sleeping beauty" his voice made her jump and jolt up abit. Abut too fast for her head started to spin and a pain squeezed her brain and eyes.

Her step brother stood side by side with her mother.

Her mother was dressed in her usual buisness clothes; a tight black pencil skirt with a white blouse and a blazer.

Esmea sat up more and smiled at them. Just the way he said beauty she thought.

"I herd you had your first night out may?" Esmea's mother pronounced sternly but Esmea knew her mother ment well. (May is her Nick name). "Yes mother I will tell you when this pain goes away" Esmea pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eys shut tight. Her mother and him chuckled.

Slowly her mother turned away and left.

He leaned down gently sliding down onto her bed side chair, handing her a cup of coffee and a hangover pill.
"So?" His voice was soft and delicate. He was scared if he spoke too loud her beautiful glass doll like body would shatter. "So what? Sleeping beauty?" She spoke rolling her eyes at the words. He chuckled a little but something caught his eye. There hung upon her white wall infringement of her bed was a sketch. A girl. And a skull. Half of the face was a girl. Her. Her sharp Jawline and pale skin. Beautiful deep eyes. Her plump lips. The other side was a skull of a skellington.

She watched his features whiten. His mouth drop and eyes widen. She followed his shocked eyes. They landed on her drawing.

Ow no.

She was let down by his reaction. However she didn't know his butterflies had opened their wings. She admired his work and was going to show him hers. But now as she watched him she wanted to burn it all. A dark cloud hung over her head and her flowers she had grew now turning away from the storm in her heart. However she didn't now his thoughts. He had never seen such a Beautiful, magical, meaningful picture he was so memorized he hadn't noticed the artist speak. He was studying the art work with passion. "Who-who drew this?" Before she called answer he spun around. "You?!" He nearly shouted. She nodded her head whilst looking down. He wonderd why she was so ashamed. "May, this is so beautiful, it's weird and I'd like to know the meaning but it's so-so incredibly powerful" she turned her face up to him clear tears welled up but not fallen yet.
"You-you think" her heart was leaping and butter flies had came to life. His words being of light they needed to fly in her stomche.

The spent hours looking at each others work. Most of Esmea's where nature and unseen beauty. Where as conor just drew anything. It seemed only they were living in that moment.

"My step sister and her flowers"

Hey:)) what y'all think of this?! I'm very happy rn!! Sorry it's late and all I have been doing school work I love u!!

my stepsister and her flowersWhere stories live. Discover now