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Author's Note: I am typing this out on my phone so bare with me please.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" A deep voice yells and then I feel a heavy weight on top of me. I growl and try to roll onto my back but the weight won't let me move.

Then I feel someone poking my cheek. All of a sudden I feel the weight lift off a little and warm air is blowing in my ear. I shiver and wave my hand around by my ear trying to get the person tormenting me to leave me alone so I can sleep.

Whoever it is sighs, kisses my cheek, gets off of me and my bed, then snatches the covers a way. What the fuck! Does this person have a death wish, like really? "I said wake up Sunshine, it's Monday and first day of school. You know you don't want to be late." Says the person trying to get murdered. Ughhh! You know what fineeee! I roll over onto my back and blink up at my best friend.

"Since when do you get up so early dude like seriously! It's six in the morning." I say a little loudly after peeking at the alarm clock by my bed.

"Well I figured since your a girl you would take a while to get ready and since I am your best friend and your ride to school I thought I should wake you now. We can't be late for the first day, any day after that's ok though." The really hot guy who I might or might not want to murder says and then he grabs my feet and pulls me out of bed and onto the floor.

I just lay still and let him do it to, there's no need in trying to fight him. He has way more muscles then me. As soon as I am on the floor he runs and jumps on my bed.

He's laying down with his arms behind his head and his legs stretched out and his ankles crossed.

I laugh and shake my head at him. His name is Robert Jones, and he lives next door. But, he isn't the boy next door type. No he's the bad boy next door. We have been best friends since my family and I moved here when I was in the second grade.

Now you may wonder how someone like lil ole me became friends with someone like him but it's really simple and it all happened like this.

"Mommy I wanna go play at the park across the street." An eight year old me says while tugging on my mom's shirt as she unloads boxes from our moving truck. "I'm sorry honey but not right now mommy's busy and I don't want you to go by yourself." My mom says as she walks into our new house with the box.

I run out to the tree in the front yard and cry as I stare at the park and wish I was over there playing. My dad after seeing my little episode yells over to me that as soon as the truck is unloaded he will personally take me to the park to play for as long as I want. I just continue to stare at the park though. We just pulled up and they just started unloading there's no way the truck will be done anytime today, and I wanted to go before it got dark. Cause I know once it does daddy won't take me.

My mom walks back out and goes to stand beside my dad by the truck. They start talking to each other and I see people walk over to talk to my parents. It's our neighbors I guess, and they have two kids with them.

The man is tall and he has a tan, he looks pretty normal I guess you could say. The woman who I figure is his wife is blonde and is really pretty. One of the kids is a girl that looks older than me, maybe 10 or 11. She looks like her mom. The other is a boy who kind of looks like his mom except he is tan like his father and has rich brown hair and chocolate eyes. He smiles over at me but the girl just ignores me and stares at our parents.

My mom then calls me over "Alexis, come over and meet the Jones family, their our next door neighbors." I sit there under the tree starring for a few minutes and then run up to my parents.

My mom puts her hands on my shoulders and introduces me to the family in front of us. The dad's name is Mark and the mom's name is Trisha. They smiled at me then told me their children's names as they pulled them to stand in front of them like my mom did me.

The daughter's name is Melody and their son's name was Robert. This was the Jones family. We lived on a dead end road and their house was the last which means ours is the second to the last and on the other side of the road there was a huge park that took up a few blocks and then houses right next to it.

My dad bends down on one knee in front of me and wipes my cheeks off. They were still wet from when I was crying a few minutes ago and I hadn't noticed.
My cheeks went red then. I looked over at the other two kids standing in our driveway. "So wanna go play on the see saws?" The little boy my age asks as he points his thumb behind him in the direction of the park. I smile and look at my dad and then up at my mom, hoping they will say yes. Then I look at my dad who is still crouched down in front of me and ask in my voice I know he has trouble saying no to. "Daddy can I please you and mommy said I couldn't go alone but now I won't be." Dad smiles at me and says sure. My mom just shakes her head yeah.

*End of Flashback*

I smile as I remember Robert taking my hand that day and us running across the street to play. His sister came to play to but she had her own group of friends and left us alone. As for all of our parents well they all started unloading the truck again and ever since then our parents have all been best friends. So have Robbie and I.

Fingers snap in front of my face and I realize I have been standing there starring at nothing in the middle of my room. "Sorry I spaced out a bit." I say to Robbie. I am the only one he allows to call him that. He will get really mad at anyone else and ignore them. He has no reason why. I know because I've asked. Haha, I feel special. I walk into my bathroom and close the door to do all the usual things someone does in the morning. I hear him ask me what I was thinking about and I blush as I brush my teeth. I get through in the bathroom and walk out. As I'm walking to my closet I tell him I was thinking about when i first met him and smile to myself.

Author's note: I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please comment. I don't care if it's bad or good and please review. Thank you my friends!!!

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