Weird Vibes

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People are everywhere doing all kinds of things. Dancing, smoking, drinking, fucking, and swimming. Well it looks fun to me.

I grab Jexxi and we head off to a cooler to get a drink and leave Kaitlin and Wes to hang out by their selves for a bit. "Hell yeah, I been missing this." Jexxi yells at me over the roaring sound of fire, music, and chatter. We each drink our beer really fast and then decide to go dance. Jexxi elbows me once we get on the dance floor and nods her head behind me. I turn to look and see Caroline practically having sex with an older looking guy.

"Bet he's in college." I say and turn around to face Jexxi. I smile at her and start dancing to the song that is playing. Its by Selena Gomez and it makes me want to dance like a belly dancer so I do. Jex and I are both having fun and swinging our hips and moving our hands like pros when a really hot guy with long black hair comes up behind her. "Mind if I dance with you?" He asked her and she looks at me to see if its ok. I laugh and tell her she better say yes or I will kick her ass and then I go back to dancing. This time by myself. A song called Ex's and Oh's comes on and I start dancing to it as I make my way over to a cooler for another drink.

"You look great Alexis." A guy that is on the foot ball team says. I think his name is Skylar, I've seen him and Robbie talking to each other a lot. He's cute and no ones hanging on his arm. "Awe thank you, your looking really good yourself." I say as I walk closer to him and stand right in front of him. He smiles down at me and I can tell he wouldn't mind spending time with me. "Wanna dance, Sexy Lexi?" He asks with a flirtatious twinkle in his eyes. I laugh and pull him with me into the bodies of dancers. We dance for the remainder of that song together and then a slow jam comes on so I turn around and press my back up against him as we rock to the music.

"I have been watching you for a while and if it wasn't for our mutual friend I would have made a move a lot sooner than now." He whispers in my ear. All of a sudden I get a weird vibe from him and I start to step away from him. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my neck. "Umm, I am really uncomfortable right now. Can you let me go?" His arm unwraps from around me and I step forward then I look back at him. He just smiles and holds his hands up letting me know he wasn't going to do anything. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like that." "It's okay, I'm just going to go see what my friends are up to I say and then I walk off to find them.

They are hanging out close to the water. Its Kaitlin sitting in Wesley's lap and Jexxi with the guy she was dancing with earlier. I sit down with them. "Hey where ya been? We was just thinking of coming to look for you." Wes says. The rest nod in agreement and I just shrug. Ok so what happened isn't worth telling them. It was probably nothing. "Well we were going to come find you to ask if you were ready to come swimming." Kaitlin says excitedly. I smile and jump up really fast. "Leggo!" I yell and they all laugh and get up. Us girls take of our first layer of clothes and the boys take off their shirts. We leave it all on our blanket and run into the water. All of a sudden I am scooped up and thrown into the water.

I come up laughing and wipe water out of my eyes to see who it was and came face to face with Robert. He looks scared to see what my reaction is since I stopped laughing as soon as I saw him. I turn around and swim away from him and in doing so I also swim away from my friends. He just starts swimming beside me so I stop. "What do you want Robert?" I say in exasperation. "I want to say sorry. I was wrong okay and I really regret how things went." I laugh at him and say, "Fuck off your to late. I'm here with someone tonight."

"Oh yeah then where is he and whats his name?" He asks as he throws his hands up out of the water to motion that it was just the two of us where we were. "He went to get us drinks and his name is Skylar. I'm sure you know him. Well I better be getting back to the shore." I say and swim away. I make it to the shore and look around. I see Skylar sitting on a log smoking a joint. I can hear Robert swimming up behind me. I rush over to Skylar and sit in his lap. He looks at me and then from the direction I just came from. "Change your mind sexy?" He whispers in my ear. "Yeah I did babe. Sorry about earlier. Just been a really rough couple of days. Mind if I have some?" I say and motion to the joint in his right hand. His other hand squeezes my ass and he leaves it there as he hands the joint to me. I take a couple of hits and hand it back to him. Skylar takes it and finishes whats left of it. Then he pulls my face close to his as he blows the smoke out. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard.

He shoves his tongue in my mouth as soon as he gets the chance and rubs my breast roughly with one of his hands. A throat clears behind us and we break apart. He looks behind me as I realize that I was now straddling his waist. When did that happen? "Yo, man how ya been?" He says to whoever is behind me. "I been great, who's that you got there?" I hear an unknown voice say. "She's no one important baby." I hear Caroline say sulkily.

Authors Note: I really hope you Ladies and Fellas like it! Sorry I don't update regularly but here ya go. I gave you a little bit more. Please comment, vote, and share this with your friends if you liked it. Even if you didn't like it drop a comment and let me know what it is that you don't like. I'm open to suggestions as long as they go along with what i have in my mind for this book also constructive criticism

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