Palm Print

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That bastard how dare he! He walks closer to me and I have to sit on the table or he will have me pinned against it. I can't just climb over it because Kaitlin and Jexxi are on the other side. So I'm stuck! He steps between my legs then pulls me to the edge of the table and sits in the seat in front of me. My tits are right in his face. I blush with embarrassment and anger. Then I see Robbie on his way over and he looks pissed. I look back down at Jake disgusted with him and wonder why I ever I liked him. He bites my shirt right between my breast and tugs on it a few times.

All of a sudden he's yanked away and I fall into the seat he just got pulled out of. Ouch! I hear a loud thud and then a muffled groans I look up. Robbie's standing over him with his fists balled up and about to hit him again. It already looks like Jakes nose is broken so I jump up and grab my best friends fist and he stops and looks at me. "That's enough. As much as I want to see someone beat the dog shit out of him I don't want you to get in trouble."

Robert shakes his head yeah in understanding but he still hasn't let go of the front of Jake's shirt. We both look down at him as he is holding his nose and has a few tears running down his face. He is on his knees in front of us and Robbie yanks him closers he can get in his face. Then says in a quiet and really pissed off voice that I have NEVER heard before."If you ever touch her again, talk to her, or even look in a direction where she is. You. Will. Regret. It. Do I make myself clear!" Robbie shakes him a little and Jake whimpers then shakes his head yeah frantically. "Yeah man I got ya."

Robbie let's him go with a push and he falls back on his elbows. Then he scrambles up and runs off. I look at the crowd around us. Robbie turns to me and hugs me to his chest. Wow that was the most angriest I have ever seen him, and I have seen him pretty angry quite a few times. Though never at me thank goodness. *smiles a shit eating grin* "Are you okay Sunshine?" He asks me in my ear and then I feel one of his arms unwrap from around me and he places a hand on my waist. All of a sudden his hand on my waist that also happens to be my right side slides down to my ass cheek that was smacked.

He massages it and hugs me tightly. I feel his breath in my ear as he leans down to whisper something. "I will make it better Sunshine." My eyes get big as it clicks in my head that he is massaging my ass in front of the whole cafeteria. I blush as I feel him kiss butterfly like kisses all the way to the corner of my mouth. Then he squeezes my ass cheek and backs up. I'm probably red as a tomato. I don't blush easily most days. It seems I only do so when he's involved. There are still people around us watching every move either of us make. Once they see we are through they sigh and walk back to their seats.

I look dumbfounded at Robert as he yanks lightly on some of my hair that's now around my face then he walks away. What the... what just happened?! Like real Jake wasn't here anymore so why put on a show? If it wasn't a show then what the he'll was it? Damn I am so confused and happy right now. I walk back over to my table and sit down to try and figure out what just happened and what it means. Kaitlin and Jexxi are just as surprised as as me from the looks on their faces. Then the bell rings telling everyone that breakfast is over.

So we get up to leave and go to class. As we are walking down the hall to Mr. Mooney's class everyone is watching me. Probably because every time someone would say Robert and I are more then friends he would set them straight. He was always having to tell people we are friends, just friends. Then he would add but she's my best friend. The actions at breakfast didn't seem like just friends or even just best friends though. Believe me I was just as curious as the rest of them, and hopeful. I have been in love with him for a VERY long time. The tardy bell rings right as we walk in the door.

Mr. Mooney looks up at all three of us and smiles. Kaitlin and Jexxi smile back kind of dreamily and walk to their seats as soon as our teacher tells them where to sit. "Alright you can sit by Mr. Jones if you think you two can behave and not talk during class Miss Jameson." I smile at him and nod my head yes then turn to find Robert, but the seat beside him isn't empty. In it is Caroline Carter. The most popular girl in our grade, and she's smirking at me. Robert is sitting there looking bored and he jeeps moving her hand off his arm. "Miss Carter you will now move back to the assined seat I gave you. Understand?" Our teacher says to her. She pouts at him and blinks her eyes at him a few times then says in a little girl voice, "But Mr. Mooney I like it better right here, can't you make her sit where you a signed me sir?" She smirks at me again as I roll my eyes and head to the seat she motioned to. "No and now you have detention. Move now." He says to her. Haha she forgot he isn't one to give into her and really I did to. I change the direction I'm walking in and we pass each other. She tries to trip me as she walks by and mutters bitch under her breath. She only succeeds in tripping herself right in front of Robert and my desk.

The class starts laughing as she squeals and runs out when she gets up. I just sit in my seat and smile innocently. Well... I am innocent, I didn't trip her. I wanted to though. That's was karma, and she don't seem like much of a bitch to me. "You okay?" Robbie asks me once Mr. Mooney picks up some markers and starts writing away on the white board. "Yeah I'm good." I smile over at him then open my notebook to take notes. Robert scoots his chair closer to mine and then opens his own notebook to copy what our teacher wrote on the board.

There's lunch time and.....

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