Against the Lockers

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There's lunch time and a few classes later when I am in the hall exchanging my books. I feel arms wrap around me and I tense up. I then realize I know who it is and relax. He's getting really touchy feely today... not that I mind. I smile to myself, nope I don't mind at all. I love it when he gets this way. I takes me feel all kinds of things. Like right now I am flushed because his arms are wrapped around me right under my tits and I know he can feel the weight of them. Well today has been totally different. I lean my head back against his chest and sigh as I close my locker. I don't want to turn around though because I can feel how hard my nipples are.

They ache for him to touch them, but I am definitely NOT telling him that! I think he might know though cause he burrows his face in my neck and one of his arms let's me go. It rakes over the front of my breasts as he puts his hand on my jaw to move my head sideways. I shudder and start breathing slightly more then usual and I feel heat shoot to my core. He has me pressed tightly back against him and I feel when a bulge starts to grow in his pants. My stomach clenches when he bites down on the part of my neck he couldn't get to before he moved my head and I let out a moan. He sucks where he just bit me, then licks the spot and I whisper his name this time. His dick twitches against my ass. Did he just give me a hickey? Wow, and he got hard? I turned him on! Me! I feel him kiss my neck and then let me go

He turns me around and backs me up against the lockers. He's pressed against me from head to toe and I can feel his hardness touching my stomach. I want to hop up, wrap my legs around his waist and grind against him. I don't though because there's no space to so it. I do throw my arms around his neck and our lips touch l. *RINNNG*

We both jump at the sound of the tardy bell. He backs away a little bit and scratches the back of his neck. I let out a shaky breath and look up into his eyes. I can see worry and maybe regret in them.

I laugh sadly. I knew it was to good to be true. I have no idea why he did what he did but a part of him didn't want to just as much as another part of him did. Maybe hormones? Yeah that has to be it. Poor guy was being controlled by them. I shake my head at my thoughts. "What are you both doing out here? Get to the office and get tardy slips then get to class now before I give you both detention." Mrs. Gambleton says in her crabby old lady voice. We take off down the hall and get our tardy slips from the office. I tell them that I couldn't find my backpack and Robert helped me looks for it till we finally found it. Then we leave and head to separate classes.

I walk into my next class of the day that's halfway through. "Well it's nice of you to join us Alexis. Take a seat and write down the notes on the board then you can converse with the others. I don't want to be to hard on you all on the first day." Ms. Candice says to me with a smile. I return her smile and go to my seat. I feel eyes on me and I hear people saying mine and Robert's name. I blush at what happened in the hall earlier and am thankful that we didn't get caught.

So far my day has been very eventful and kind of exciting. It's coming to an end though. I'm in my last class which is P.E. It's a boys and girls class. I run into the girls locker room. I find my locker and start taking my clothes off and shove them into it. Jexxi's is right next to mine and she's already dressed except for her shoes. As she puts them on and ties them she looks up at me about to ask me something but gasps instead. I put on my shorts and grab my shirt as Jexxi calls Kaitlin over to where we are.

"Do you see what I see Kaitlin?" Jexxi asks. I look up at them both and wonder why they are both staring at me. I'm about to put my shirt on when Kaitlin covers her mouth in surprise. Ugh, what now? "Ummm, I think you should wear your hair down for P.E. today Lexi." Kaitlin says as she snatches my hand down from where it was busy gathering my hair onto a pony tail. "What, why?" I ask her and then I slap my forehead. Robert must have really given me a hickey like I thought

I leave my hair down and pull it all over my shoulder to hide the hickey on that side. "Soooo who gave you that, and is that why you were late to class?" Kaitlin asks 8n a very quiet whisper. I blush and pull her and Jexxi into the bathroom. I make sure no one else is in here and lock the door. I tell them what happened earlier in the hall. "Girls let's go!" I hear coach yell and he bangs on the locker room door. We walk out of the bathroom and then the locker room. I can tell they both want to talk more about it but for now they both keep quiet. Kaitlin mouths "later" to me as we all line up and begin exercising.

It's now the end of the school day and I am walking out of the big front doors talking to Kaitlin and Jexxi. I am telling them to group call me later and we will talk about what I told them in the locker room.vthey both agree and hug me then run off to Kaitlin's rusty red beetle. I make my way over to Robbie's Jeep, but I don't see him so I lean against the back of it and wait for him. Almost every one has left and now there are five cars left in student parking. Three of those vehicles have people in it and are beginning to leave. I wait half an hour more and then I sigh to myself and wonder where my bestie is. Did he get into trouble or something? Maybe I should just walk home.

I shrug my shoulder and..........

To Be Continued!!!

Author's Note: I know it's been a while and I'm not going to get into why I haven't updated there are lots of personal reasons. But anyway I hope y'all like it so far. Please let me know if you do! I'm so not even sure if I need to take time writing the rest of what I have of this story on here. Please save the story and comment!!!

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