Got Milk

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"Why would you move from Long Beach, California to boring old Croscoe, Texas?" Jexxi asks him. Hmm I'm curious about that to so I look over at him to see him smiling at us. "Well I think it should be obvious." He says with a huge grin on his face. Each of us girls at the table look at each other like huh? Then we give him the look. He starts laughing. He has a very sexy deep rumbly laugh. Rumbly? Is that even a word? Well if it wasn't it is now. "Well the reason I moved to boring old Croscoe, Texas is...." We all lean closer to him and then he says. "The beautiful ladies such as yourselves." We all laugh. Yep he got us. "Nah, for real though my parents split and I moved with my mom. My dad's a cheater and she needs me." He says, his smile is gone and a sad angry look is now in its place. I feel bad for his mom and him. That really sucks.

"Oh." I say and Kaitlin and Jexxi shake their head to agree with me. We eat after that and joke around a little once his mood seems happy again. He was in the middle of telling a really raunchy joke when Jexxi takes a sip of milk and ends up laughing so hard it comes out of her nose. Then we are all laughing. She's blushing and wiping her face with napkins when we all finally calm down. Kaitlin glances behind me and her eyes get wide then she nudges Jexxi. She then looks behind me and by that time I have chills and wonder what the hell is going on. They both look down at their trays and one of them kicks my leg lightly. I finally can't take it and turn around to see what's going on. Wes just keeps staring at the girls wondering what happened. But me, well I am staring into chocolate eyes across the lunch room. Robbie's eyes! He looks mad. He has no reason to be mad though. He's the one that said we were back to being just friends and then ignores me. He gets up practically dumping Caroline off of his lap and into the floor and walks our way.

Uh oh! My eyes widen and I turn around and pretend to eat. Maybe he isn't coming over here I think to myself. I feel someone gather all of my hair that fell out of its bun when Wes and I ran into each other and pull it to the other side of my neck revealing the hickey. Yep he was coming this way alright. Wes looks behind us at Robert and smiles. Then he looks over at me and my neck. He looks back up at Robbie and just raises an eyebrow as if to say 'really man'. I'm blushing now and say, "Hey Robbie." I know it's him I don't have to turn around but I do anyway. I stare up at him and smile. "How's your day been?" I ask, but instead of answering me he asks a question of his own. "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

I widen my eyes in fake astonishment and say, "Oh you mean you finally have time to talk to your best friend!" He rolls his eyes at me and then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He needs to stop doing this! One day I might up chuck all over his back and it will be his fault. "Hey what the hell dude! I think you should put her down. It's her choice if she wants to go with you." Wes shouts to Robert. I feel him tense up and I rub his back. "It's okay Wes, Robbie is my bestie. He won't hurt me and this is kind of our thing believe it or not. It happens." I speak while hanging upside down over Robert's shoulder. I can't see their expressions.... really the only thing I can see is Robert's ass. I hope they just walk away from each other.

"Who the hell are you anyway? Sunshine why are you hanging out with a guy you don't know?" Robert asks Wes and then me. Err, he sounds mad. "Hey he's new and he didn't know where the lunchroom was so I showed him. His names Wesley and he is really nice so calm down." I say in mine and Wesley's defence. "Yeah and let's not forget funny." Kaitlin says with a smile on her face as she pats Jexxi on the back. Robert mutters whatever under his breath and places a hand on my ass. He turns around and walks out. I wave to my friends and see Caroline looking really pissed off as we walk out of the cafeteria. Where the hell are the teacher's when shit goes down?

"I think you look really beautiful today Sunshine." He says as he sits me down on my feet and I realize we are in the old girls bathroom. The one where the door locks from the inside and the janitor lost they key to. Personally I think it was stolen on purpose if you know what I mean. *wink-wink* No one is supposed to be in here but oh well, I'm not going to cry about it. Oh wait a minute... did he call me beautiful? Hmm, you know what? I think bad boy here is trying to play hard to get.

Yep that's exactly what he's doing. *rolls eyes* "Thanks bestie now what's so important that you had to carry me over your shoulder and bring me here?"
"Well here we go..." He takes a breath and looks a little nervously at me. I smile at him and nod my head for him to go on. He smiles back and steps right in front of me. Our bodies are just about to be touching if he or I lean in just a little bit. Hmm, should I? Nah let's see where he is going with this. Next thing I know he's the one that leans in and gently pushes me against the wall. I stare up at his lips and wonder if he's going to kiss me and if so why won't he hurry up. I look up to see that he's staring at my lips. So I lick my bottom lip and then bite it. His breath catches, I know because his body has me pinned against the wall. All of a sudden his lips are on mine. I'm stunned! Yeah I know I wanted him to kiss me and even though I kind of thought he would I also thought he wouldnt. Wow I am so in shock that I can't respond and kiss him back. He stops and leans his forehead on mine.

"I shouldn't have done that. I am so sorry Alexis." I do the only thing I can think of now that I can move. I wrap my arms around d his neck and pull his lips back to mine. I kiss him with as much passion as I can. I have wanted to do this for years so I have plenty of it stored up. I lick and nibble his lips until he opens them and then I glide my tongue into his mouth to battle with his. He kisses me back fiercely and his hands trail shown my sides to grab my legs and wrap them around his waist. Then he wraps one of his hands in my hair and pulls my head sideways so he can kiss a trail from my lips to nibble on my ear I moan his name and then he backs up a little bit to look at me.

"Robert I don't want you to be sorry, I know I'm not." I say while staring up into his eyes. He smiles a sad smile and then all emotion is gone from his face as he says the one thing I hoped I wouldn't hear this year. " I already have a girlfriend Alexis. I shouldn't have kissed you and I AM sorry for that. I should have just left you alone at that table with the new guy but I got jealous. I think it's best if we stop hanging out for a little while ya know? I can't seem to help myself when I'm around you." Did I say one thing? Hah, I mean a few sentences! I push him away and slap him. How fucking dare he! I know he likes me as much as I like him now. I saw it in his eyes and felt it in the kiss and the way he held me. Now he's saying he doesn't care how I feel basically and he's even throwing our friendship down the drain. Stop hanging out? You know what fine! If that's how he wants it then that's how it will be. I am sick of being just a best friend. He will never let us become more than that. I can't take it anymore. I can't ever go back to being just friends with him anyway.
"Your right Robert, we can't be friends any more.".........

To Be Continued!!!

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