District 5: Male: Dorian Callahan (CrazyYetUnique)

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District 5: Male

Name: Dorian Callahan

Gender: Male

District: 5

Age: 17

Celebrity Look-a-like: Elijah Woods

Appearance: Dorian is a stout young man, with buff cheeks and a passion for money. He hobbles around, rather than walking and only contents himself by insulting others. He dyes his hair brown as they faded grey much too early. He thinks it's because of his 'constant interaction with morons.' Really, it's because Dorian is ill but won't accept it.

Background/Description: Dorian had the most average life you could ever wish for. Although his parents were rich, he was a stingy little boy and detested to comfort of others. Growing older he went through bins and sold whatever he could find because his money was only there to count. He caught an illness searching through a bin which caused his hair to discolour. Dorian was twisted and picked on his little sister, finding pleasure in hurting.

Weapon Of Choice: dagger

Job: Powerplant security officer

Preferred Arena: rainforest

District Token: a coin

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