His Star

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this fanfiction. I am writing this for my own enjoyment, not for profit. All characters in this fanfiction belong to JK Rowling, the queen of the fiction world.

2021 edit: back in 2017 or whenever it was I wrote this, I was not aware of the actions of JK Rowling. I've been meaning to say this for a while, but now I'm just gonna come out and say it. As a trans person and as a feminist (and as a human being) I reject everything that JK has said in terms of feminism and in terms of the LGBT community. Her statements have caused a lot of harm, and it wasn't fair of her. However, her works belong to us now, and it's up to us to change the story. I've now deleted a chapter of this fic that was a little transphobic. I apologise that I didn't make this clear sooner. 

Remus entered the room shyly. His crush was there and he couldn't bear the idea of being noticed. Even though he had grown his hair into a ponytail, put on his favourite hoodie and had an extra chocolate in his pocket. He joined the Marauders on their favourite couch but tried not to make eye contact with his secret love.

Sirius sat on the Marauder couch, squashed between James and Peter. He tried to be his usual loud self but failed miserably. James could tell something was wrong. He just knew it. After all, the two of them had always had an almost telepathic connection. Sirius made stupid jokes about girls and quidditch subconsciously. He could tell just as much as James that something big was going to happen that evening.

"Remmy?" he said, "What's wrong mate? You seem a little out of it. I like your jumper. It matches your new hairstyle. Remmy? Tell us if there's something wrong."

Remus laughed hesitantly and told them he was fine. He was fine. More than just fine. But... there was the matter of the love. He remembered Sirius kissing James to calm him down. That meant he couldn't be too wrong about each other's feelings. Didn't it? Unless that was just playing around. Remus was unsure. James had Lily now and Peter had some random Hufflepuff. Sirius was always a fling kinda guy and was yet to have a relationship last more than a year. Remus was still waiting for his first kiss and was sure he'd die a virgin. He was the only one in sixth year that had never dated anyone.

This was why he didn't like his chances with Paddy. Except for the tiny fact that Sirius was the only one that called him Remmy and always noticed when Remus had a new, well, anything. Sirius was the one that worked out what Remus was and would always be the first to use his manners when asking for Remus to do his homework.

Sirius decided to give up on joining the conversation. He took his leave and went up to bed, though he was in no way tired. It wasn't until he was halfway through getting changed when he noticed something in his pocket. It was a chocolate signed 'We should talk.10:00? Remus. BTW, this is my favourite Honeydukes chocolate. Enjoy!'

Remus paced up and down the cellar of Honeydukes nervously. Had Sirius gotten the hint? Maybe the code had been a bit roundabout. Or maybe Sirius didn't really like him at all? Remus checked his watch. 10:05. Just then Sirius appeared in front of him. "Of course" Remus said, "the cloak needed to get involved, didn't it?"

Sirius was nervous. What would Remus want to say? Maybe he'd noticed Sirius' love and wanted to say no? Or maybe yes? But it was probably unrelated. Which is why Sirius was surprised by what Remus said.

"Um... I thought you'd be the best person to tell first. Even my parents don't know yet. I'm writing to them in the morning. Oh crap. Um... I'm... err..."

"An adorable werewolf that has realised how I feel and wants to tell me to back off?"

"I'm not adora... wait a second... No! Don't back off. Um... I wanted to... tellyouI'mgay." Both breathed a sigh of relief then laughed at each other.

"You are so freakin' cute! You think I didn't guess already? You look the cutest when you're nervous though. What do you want to do about it? You can borrow my mascara if you want? Or I could dye your hair rainbow? Or you could take those flowers out from behind your back and ask me out?"


"Some guys are just so predictable. I wasn't joking about the hair and mascara though. "

"Malfoy would have a field day."

"Well, we'll just use a sticking charm to attach his hand onto Nott's butt. Sound good to you?"

" Fantastic!" They both laughed then walked up the corridor together, arm in arm, both fully content. It wasn't until they were almost at the end when Sirius remembered something.

"By the way, my answer is yes. Thanks for the flowers, love. It's kinda funny, I was gonna ask you out tomorrow night. I've got chocolates waiting for you under my bed."

With that, Remus couldn't hold back any longer. He threw himself at Sirius, their lips and teeth and tongues colliding and whole universes exploding inside of them. Lightning was in their fingertips and finally the whole world was complete.

The next morning, it took a while for Remus to remember what had happened the night before. He only remembered what had happened after he got up and saw Sirius. He grinned and went to sit by Sirius' bed. He slowly stroked his lover's hair as he had seen his mother do before. He loved the feeling he got in his stomach. He thought about how soft Sirius' skin and lips were.

Remus only stopped when he heard James' alarm go off. He leapt off Sirius' bed and started getting changed. Remus listened to the noise around him, of the other boys doing hair. He'd never get used to how long they spent trying to look good.

It was almost worth the wait to see the look on Malfoy's face when they both turned up to class with rainbow braids and mascara. And even better after Sirius followed through with his plan, which ended with several arguments between two particular couples. Remus remembered every time he pulled a prank how much he enjoyed being a marauder. Especially when they ended with joint detentions. The sticking charm landed them a long one. Three hours of cleaning the castle, alone with Sirius Black. His padfoot, his boyfriend his star in the hectic galaxy we call the Milky Way.

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