The Man in Uniform

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Again, the character do not belong to me. I came up with the plot line, but was just borrowing JK's wonderful characters for my own use.

I met the love of my life at a park on Boxing day. He was walking his dogs, and I was speaking to my father on the park bench. I saw him through the water fountain. It was just like a scene in a romance movie. When my father left, he just waltzed over and asked for my number.

It turned out he went to my school. We met up at every available opportunity. We hugged, we kissed, we loved each other. I adored hanging out with him. It was beautiful. Time sailed by. I came out to my parents, but, as a necessity, Sirius was quiet. His parents were very homophobic. It became tradition to meet up at the park every boxing day every year.

It came time to apply for college. We applied to go to the same colleges, and we both did the same tests, together. I got into more schools than him, but we both got into a scholarship program, which let us go to any college in the world for free. We made plans to fly to France and Germany. By the Christmas holidays, everything was packed and ready. 

I headed to the park. In my excitement, I'd arrived half an hour early. I waited. I waited for an hour. When 6 o'clock came, I thought 'he must be late.' Then it was 8 and I was getting annoyed. By midnight, he still hadn't come. My father had to come and drag me back home. That night, I cried myself to sleep. 

The next morning, I got the worst text message ever. Come to the park RIGHT NOW. My parents found out before I left last night. Sorry. I felt a vortex open up in my soul. It was just like one of my nightmares. As this thought crossed my mind, I pinched myself, but nothing happened. 

I jumped out my bedroom window, and ran to the park, tears running down my face. Upon arrival, I saw my beautiful Sirius, standing by the fountain. He told me that his parents were sending him to a military boys' college in the US. 

"If your son is gay, send him to an all boy's school. Like that makes sense."

"Yeah, but I won't have you, will I? All I'll have is a gun and a stupid outfit."

"Yeah, but what what if you came out and didn't have a boyfriend? I reckon at least two thirds of every military school are gay."

"Don't forget the problem students and the nutters that actually want to be there."

"Among the gays, idiots and naughty boys? Who'd chose that?"


"Me, if you were there."

"Oh darling. I'm sorry. We'll have to break up for the next two years. We can both date other people, then we'll meet up on boxing day, two years time."

"But I love you so much. I don't want to date anyone but you. I can persuade my parents to send me too."

"Don't ruin your chances. Go to that wonderful school, get a wonderful job and a wonderful house."

"What's the point  if I don't have you?"

"I told you. Two years. This place, this time. You know I never break my promises. Just let go, even if it is just for 2 years. At least try, if not for you, for me."

"I'll miss you." I kissed him on his cheek, then he was gone.


My dreams shattered the day my baby was stolen away from me. I've had issues since: depression, anxiety, sleeping problems. My parents tried to make me date other guys, but I didn't see the point. My darling is late, like always. I try to stop the panic, to no avail. It is only quelled when I see a black haired man looking around hopefully. My heart explodes and I let a smile creep onto my face. I run to him, and we embrace. All is as it always should've been. 

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