Soul mates?

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Hey. Sorry for the long wait! Assessment period has struck once again! I've had so much work, I've almost been drowning in it. I'm sure all your fave authors wrote Valentine's Day fics, but I'm not into that crap. I mean, why not love your loved ones all year round, not just one day? I know there are split opinions on this, so let's just get into the story, yeah? Anyway, this story does not technically belong to me. JK owns all characters, and I'm not planning on making money from this any time soon. Enjoy the story!

My mum once said that when you meet your soulmate, you'll know straight away. I never believed her the first few times that I fell in love. I never felt a special tug, sparks never flew. That was, until I met Sirius Black. That day was stranger than any other. We met on the train station, back in first year. I was being tugged around by my father, and him his mother. Our eyes met for only a fraction of a second, but I felt cold water run up my arm at the sight of him.

It wasn't until the feast that I noticed the lion and wolf tatoo on my arm. The two animals seemed to be kissing eachother. The tattoo went from my wrist to shoulder, and I couldn't rub it off, no matter how hard I rubbed. The picture was there to stay.

Only a year later, I noticed Sirius' arm. He was working on Astronomy homework, his hair hanging over his face, sleeves rolled up. A wolf was dancing on his wrist. A beautiful, colourful, wolf. 

Weeks past, then months, and years. Well, one year. Every time we saw eachother, Sirius and I glowed. Apparently. Lily approached me on Christmas eve, third year. 
"Hey, Remus?"
"What, Lily? Is something wrong?"
"No, no. I was just curious of something. Is there somewhere private we can go?"
"Well, barely anyone's here for the holidays, so I guess my dorm'll be free."
"Remus... I think you're in love with someone, and I just wanted to know if I was right."
"Well... I'm not. I don't... love someone. That isn't right."
"I think you're denying it, even to yourself, because you're scared, or worried."
"I don't love you, Lily."
"That's not what I mean!"
"What DO you mean then?"
"Are you... gay? For Sirius?"
"What the...? NO! How... I mean why... why did you think that?"
"I don't know! The way you light up when you see him. The way he smiles when he's around you. I thought it was obvious, but maybe that's because I'm muggle-born. Gay people are just starting to get proper rights in the muggle world, so heaps of people have Come Out. It's pretty normal, and I thought there must be gay wizards as well."
"Ok, then, maybe you're just making up gay people to fit with what you know?"
"I don't think so. I've got a pretty good gay detector. My friend, you know Marlene? I asked her a similar thing, to what I asked you just now, and I was 100% correct, well maybe not, because she's Bisexual, but close enough."
"I'm NOT gay, Lily. You're wrong this time."

The first time I saw Remus, I knew something was different. The way we saw eachother was different. I dreamed about him, embarressing dreams that I almost enjoyed. A magical tattoo appeared on my arm the same day we met, a wolf and lion. I could pretend that it was a coincidence, until he Came Out as a werewolf. Every day around him made me nervous, so I started off just avoiding him. Then we became friends, and everything became a lot harder. I had to be around him every moment, so needed a solution.

My solution became a girlfriend. A beautiful girlfriend. Marlene Mckinnon would do, I thought. My thoughts became driven on Marlene. Marlene was the one for me. I soon got the reputation of being some sort of sex god, which the two of us found hilarious. We were together all the time, which only tripled my guilt when bad thoughts about Remus entered my mind. 

In third year, Marlene and Lily had a little chat about something private, and Marlene was very quiet after that. We still kissed a little more than necessary, but she became cold. One evening, she invited me to come down to the lake with her in private.
"Sirius. I think we should break up."
"Why? We're great I-"
"You what? Love me?"
"Yes. I do. I think you're great, and funny, and pretty, and really nice."
"But do you love me?"
"From our very first kiss, Sirius, I've had a suspicion. You were just so... cold. Like you didn't mean it. I think it would be better for everyone's mental health if we split up. Especially yours. I think our relationship has damaged you inside."
"I don't understand. What suspicion?"
"I can't. Look, I didn't really know what it was, but I knew you were different. Lily explained it to me, and she'll explain it to you too, tomorrow. Meet me here, same time, tomorrow night with your response. I really like you Sirius, and that's why I'm doing this for you. I don't want you to suffer anymore."
I ran away. I cried to sleep. I just couldn't bare it. I was in too much pain for a breakup between me and someone I never completley loved. 

The next day, at lunch, Lily approached me, just like Marlene said she would.
"Are you ok, Sirius? I didn't mean for what I said to Marlene to make you so upset. It's my fault."
"What did you say though? Marlene said she'd explain."
"I think that you... have an attraction to boys." She talked awfully slowly, as if she didn't want to hurt my feelings.
"WHAT? You think, that I, am... gay?"
"There's an easy way to tell. Have you, on more than one occasion, had a dream or fantasy about men?"
"So what if I have? It doesn't make a difference to who I want to kiss. I want to kiss Marlene."
"Really? You would rather snog someone you have no attraction to over being a social outcast?"
"What ARE you talking about? I have an attraction to Marlene."
"Ok, ok. What about that tattoo on your arm? It matches Remus' one of the lion and wolf. It just appeared out of nowhere when you met. I read something last holidays about soulmates. In some rare circumstances, some people actually have soulmates, and those people generally have some sign on their bodies."
"You really believe that we're... soulmates?"
"Just think about it. You don't have to break up with Marlene, but I think you should go easy for a bit. Don't do anything dramatic. I'm going to talk to Remus over the holidays, while we'll be alone at school, ok?"
"Just... don't mention me. Don't mention anything we talked about."

Marlene and Sirius broke apart slowly. Lily almost seemed happy when they stopped kissing...

So that'll be it for now. Where I live, there's a long weekend this week, so between revising for tests and starting essays, hopefully part two will be released very extremley soon... if I don't forget about it. (I'm joking, I promise). Love you all - Alex

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