How We Met

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These characters are not mine, although I really want them to be. JK owns them all and gets all the money from it. I am writing for the sake of writing and my own and my friend's amusement. 

Sirius ran down the carriage. He was being chased by a handsome, annoying and loud boy, known to the rest of the world as James Potter. James had learnt a hex over the summer that could dye people's hair. He had already turned Peter's hair red. As Sirius came from a Slytherin family, James planned to do his green. 

Remus was sitting in his compartment, nervous about the Sorting. He was reading about the founders in Hogwarts: A History to settle him down but found it wasn't working. Both his parents were Ravenclaws and owned a massive bookstore in London. Remus was expected to take it over once he was older, which he wasn't sure was good or bad. 

Sirius had no worries  about his Sorting. He knew he would get Gryffindor. He'd worked that out ages ago. Ever since he had told his mother that he wouldn't get Slytherin, she had tried to beat the Gryffindor out of him.  Unsurprisingly, it hadn't worked. Afterwards he just thought that all Slytherins were gits. Now his only problem was prejudice. 

Sirius was exhausted after running so much so he decided to hide instead. He jumped into the closest compartment, slamming the door behind him. He then proceeded to collapse onto the chair.  Onto the cutest person he'd ever seen. They both gasped in surprise and Sirius got up and backed away from Remus.

"Hi, I'm Remus."

"I'm Sirius."



"Who was that chasing you?"

"Some anti-Slytherins."

"You're Slytherin?" Remus looked scared, as if a monster had walked into the room. Sirius shook his head and Remus let out a sigh of relief.


"Then why were they chasing you?"

"Um... My family is a massive collection of prejudiced gits. And rich and famous gits at that."

"Oh. My parents own a bookstore. There are some very interesting books that they sell there."

"Does that mean you're a Ravenclaw?"

"I dunno."

Then the moment was over. James burst through the doors and sat down. He had overheard the conversation and was very surprised, to say the least. He admitted his eavesdropping then confessed that he didn't really know how to do hair green, just red. They all talked for a while, about house groups, quidditch  and spells. And the Marauders were born. 

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