Accidental Romantic

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Hey everyone! Just more than a week ago, I uploaded a fic that everyone seemed to be really happy with, so I've got a treat for you all: another fic! I'm not quite up to writing part two of camp time, so this is just a random AU I've been thinking about for a while. I hope you enjoy. Love you all, Alex

It was a well known fact that I, Remus Lupin was a very quiet person. I had a very straightforward lifestyle. I left for university every morning at seven o'clock, and returned at five. I walked to the library every Monday, to borrow books and to use their computers. Every other day of the week, I would write a stupid little story about a couple in his favourite book: Simon vs the Homo Sapien's Agenda, or I'd draw, or paint. I never thought about going to parties, meeting people, and definitely not going and talking to neighbours.

Everyone knew that me, Sirius Black, was the loudest, most obnoxious person on the block, and I was proud of it. Yet, somehow, people were drawn to me. I just went about his everyday business, and suddenly, I was invited to three parties and a trip around the local bars. I met James and Peter that way. To be honest, I didn't know how Peter got an invite to a party. He was a little sad, fat, and lonely, until James and Sirius saw him in his little corner, and took pity. I liked to think that I lived a pretty flexible lifestyle. I worked from home most days, then went out for lunch, met up with some friends, and just chilled.

That day started off as a day like every day before it. It was a Monday, so I was at the Library until it shut at 8 o'clock. I walked back home again, taking the scenic route, as I could do with some time to think. I ambled my way back into my apartment, and saw a shape on the couch. My first instinct was to scream, so I did so. Then I walked towards my couch, frowning. The shape seemed to be of a young man. I turned on the light, and saw that I was right. A young man with, long black hair was in my apartment.

James and I were in my apartment together, planning our outfits for that night. I decided to wear my favourite leather jacket and skinny jeans. James was going to wear a nice blue shirt, with a galaxy pattern. We left at 5 o'clock, and went to pick up some girls. James got one almost immediately, only two drinks in. Her name was Daisy Hookum, and she had just been to America. I knew this relationship wouldn't last. James' heart still belonged to a chic at work: Lily Evans. If I had to be honest, I considered Lily as hot, but then you could pick up a hot red-head anywhere, right? Anyway, James went back to his apartment with Daisy, and I was left alone. It was not my lucky night. I kept on drinking, but nobody asked me back to their apartment, so I went home alone. My last thought before collapsing was: "since when was that couch right there?"

I let the young man sleep. He looked drunk, and I didn't want to deal with that at that point in time. I just walked next door to my bedroom, and got ready for bed. I was too tired to be dealing with anything, so just fell asleep. I woke up to someone making omelettes in the kitchen. I wandered in, and freaked out for a second time. The guy smiled at me and said: "Who are you, cutie? I'm hungover, so don't f***k with me. How did you get in here?"

"I walked", he said. I told him to not mess with me again, because my head was feeling really fuzzy. How many drinks had I had the night before? Only god knows. In the next half an hour, I found out that his name was Remus, and he was my next door neighbour. He was convinced that this apartment was his, and that I had come in, drunk, the night before. We ended up checking the number on the door, and he was right of course. I sneakily wrote down the number on his door, took my omelette and left, being very careful to leave my jacket behind.

I saw him write down the number on my door, and put his leather jacket on the back of one of my chairs. I didn't have any classes that day, so just chilled at home. Somehow, I couldn't get Sirius from next door out of my mind. It crossed my mind that I may just be in love with him, but I forced that idea to leave. It was impossible. I wasn't gay. My last girlfriend had left me because she thought I was gay, but she was misinformed. I enjoyed having sex with her, and other women, and I'd only 'checked out' one guy before, and he played a very convincing woman. How was I to know that it was drag night at the club? And it was just unfortunate that my local Pokemon gym was a gay bar. Somehow, Sarah wouldn't believe me.

I tried to deny everything, but James could see right through me.
"You're gay", he said matter-of-factly. I said no, I had that poster on my wall of those women, but he knew that it was all a disguise.
"I've seen how you look at those posters. You're almost disgusted by them. You prefer the young Bowie, or Tom Cruise. Anyway, if you aren't, why did you write down his room number? Why did you leave your jacket behind? And if you are, why the hell did you not leave behind your number?" I responded with a groan of 'I am an idiot' and 'you are too smart for me', but James just smirked.
"Go talk to him, you nitwit. Take him out for dinner."

The next time I saw Sirius, he was very sobre. He was wearing a suit, and had combed his hair. The day before, he had slipped a note under my door that read: Sorry for the incident a few days ago. Why don't you join me for dinner at Blueprint tonight? Bring my jacket, and I'll pay for it as a sorry and thank you gift. See you at 6? - Sirius. I had left a letter that said: 'I would love to join you for some dinner. No apologies needed for the other night, I may have made a new friend from it ;-). Thanks for paying for the bill, anyway. You seem like a nice chap. See you at 6. - Remus. I regretted it as soon as I slid it under the door. Why did I include that winky face? Why was I always so awkward? Why, why, why?

James helped me dress for the date. We were going to Blueprint, so I had to wear appropriate clothes. He picked out my cleanest suit, and told me to comb back my hair, to put it into a ponytail. For all his faults, he was very helpful.
When I arrived, I saw Remus waiting for me. He was wearing a dark red shirt with a violet bowtie. Just looking at him, standing there, I knew we were both going to have the time of our lives together.  

Thanks for being here for me, and thanks for continuously reading my fics. I will love you all, always - Alex. 

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