Chapter 4 : I'm not watching porn with you

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" One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out" - The Neighbourhood


After the whole Misha-Jamie fiasco I don't know how I ended up being Jamie's girlfriend, it's a little blur. I sometimes tend to forget things that happen to me. It's like my unasked coping mechanism.

So here I'm, sitting on the popular squad table squashed between Jamie and Roth.

After Misha ran out crying not before giving me a stink eye, Jamie asked me and Roth to have our lunch with him.

I happily compiled while Roth growled in protest. So here I am, stuck between a grinning Jamie and scowling Roth.

"So what's your name?" Amett asked. He was attractive sure, but the only thing I could concentrate on were his teeth. Jeez, they were so white. I was afraid, if I were to talk to him daily I would have to keep sunglasses handy.

I narrowed my eyes at him, was he dumb or playing me. We've been in the same class since kindergarten.

But oh well, anything to break the awkward silence.

But before I could utter a single word someone interrupted me.

"Only if I knew Ryder's little sister was game. I would have-"

I pursed my lips, but a smirk soon found it's way when I noticed Brent's playful wink.

Brent what I wouldn't give to punch you in the face, smash your head against the table. Is it really that difficult to tell me about my brother?

"You wish, Brendie. Not after the movie..." I said lazily.

"Yeah, Yeah" Brent snapped rolling his eyes but you could see a hint of red in his cheeks.

Last summer I had crashed Ryder's and Brent's movie marathon. It was past midnight when Ryder chose a horror movie, though he passed out halfway through the movie. As the credits rolled I noticed Brent siting straight, blood drained out of his face. When I asked him what was wrong he just whimpered and grumbled a few words that sounded similar to a dying whale. After minutes of coaxing him, I saw a wet stain on his pants. I just sat there looking at his crotch, with my hands on his shoulder. As his eyes met mine, I burst out laughing.

My laughing pulled him out of his trance. After changing his pants, he threatened me not to tell anyone about this incident. He specifically told me, to not breathe a word about this to Ryder. I promised him, but didn't stop teasing him whenever I had the chance.

"I'm Sia" a blonde held out her hand to me with a welcoming smile.

Guess, all cheerleaders has not taken upon themselves to be the mean girls.

I smiled at her and shook her hand.

"My friends and I are going to the mall after school, wanna come" she asked.

I bit my lip nervously "I have lots of homework. Maybe some othet time."

She shrugged and striked a conversation with Mia, her twin sister who was sitting beside Roth.

Real talk, I don't have any homework. I just loathed the idea of shopping. It was such a task to find and try on dresses. All my fancy clothes were ordered online. And rest I usually stole from Ryder and Jake. Half my wardrobe consists Roth's sweatshirts that I borrowed but never gave back. Roth never complained, though Ryder did.

Roth elbowed me and whispered "I hate sitting here. You owe me"

I sighed "What do I owe?"

He smirked "Next marathon, Game of Thrones"

My eyes widened "Oh, no. I'm not watching porn with you"

Game of thrones monkeybutt rocks, the story will keep you on your toes, but some scenes are just pure dose of nakedness.

Roth had his arms around me and started making kissing noises.

I tried pushing him, but he held on tight "I'm not watching that shit, all they do is fuck eachother. They don't even kiss. Martin killed Eddard Stark. Who does that? He even killed Rob, his mom, and that little priss Joffrey-" Roth's hold loosened but he didn't remove his hands "-but thank heavens that bastard died. He is pure evil."

Roth shot me an amused look "You watched the entire series? What happened to not watching porn?"

I gave him a blank stare "That's your fault buddy. You left for a week, I had to do something productive."

He tilted his head giving me more space to breathe. I could feel Roth's warmth seep into my reptile-like-cold-skin. Roth's embrace was so warm that I wanted to snuggle against his chest.

"We are watching GOT" he stated.

I shook my head adamantly, sometimes I think my head is going to fall off with the amount of shaking I do "We are not. Last time Ryder walked in on me, apparently two girls were doing you know what stuff, and he thought I was batting for the same side. He teased me-"

I stopped mid-sentence as I realised that it will never happen, Ryder is gone.

He will never walk on me when I'm watching something questionable. He will never tease me when I'm listening emo shit.

Everytime I feel like I have things under control, anecdotes like these plunge me to the lane of memories that makes me want to curl in my bath tub and cry my eyes out. Memories make missing Ryder more painful and unbearable.

Roth pulled me towards him, this time hugging me. He held me close, with his chin above my head and my face on his chest. He ran his hands down my back and whispered "We will, find him. And then you will walk on him making out with your neighbour's dog"

I wrapped my hands around his waist and mumbled "As much as I would love that, I don't want my brother sodomising around"

Roth chuckled and kissed my forehead before turning to his lunch.

I smiled at him, and continued eating my fries.

Meanwhile everyone was watching Roth and I's conversation.

I felt Jamie stiffen beside me. He was glaring at Roth who was busy stealing my fries.

That pig.

I touched Roth's hand, snapping his attention to me and grinned.

He looked unsure, but smiled nonetheless.

Brent was smiling goofily as he teased "I didn't knew friends watch porn together. Do the two of you do-"

I could feel Jamie getting angry so I interrupted Brent "Last time I checked friends don't feel each other either."

Brent snapped "Ryder told me he was bigger than me. I had to inspect."

Realising what he stated he flushed red and burried his head in his hands and cursed me to oblivion.

The entire table burst out laughing at his embarrassment.

I sneaked a look at Jamie, to see him rolling with laughter, clutching his stomach. His blue eyes were shining bright, as his blonde locks swept his fore head. All I wanted to do was run my hands through his smooth hair and kiss him till my lips hurt.

Jamie caught me ogling him and smirked. I quickly looked away, but he caught my chin in his hands and kissed me...till my lips.

I didn't have to pretend that I wanted this. That I wanted to be his girlfriend. The tide of lust was high as we continued kissing. It didn't matter how selfish I was being, because at that time nothing mattered more than snogging Jamie. We are creatures of pleasure and if anyone says women aren't ruled by lust have never been more wrong.


I just realised that there are only Roth and Sydney scenes. So next chapter will have more of Jamie in it.

Who is you favorite? Jamie or Roth?

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