Chapter 18: Roth finds his mate but is too dumb to growl back 'Mine'

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"Cause what about all these children
And all their children's children
And why am I even wondering that today" - Lana Del Rey


"Fuck me with a dildo" I curse "What the hell Roth? Get your head back on the pillow you are still weak."

"What happened?" he says weakly.

I scan his face, blood has returned to his cheeks "We got attacked last night."

"By whom?"


"Are they real? I thought they were myth"

"Well if werewolves are real I am sorry if your dumb head thought hunters were myth" I snap, pushing him back on the bed.

He frowns at me "What has got into you? You are this freakishly verbally abusive only when you are mad."

I glare "You tend to get a little snappy when you watch your mate die. Don't you even ever dare to pull something like that on me."

"Mate?" he sqeauks.

"Yes." I declare  "You Roth Owen are my mate."

He shakes his head "No that's not possible. Why don't I feel it? Why didn't you feel it the moment you saw me after you changed."

"You don't want me as your mate?" I ask slowly.

"I- but how?" he stammers.

I narrow my eyes at him "I don't know fucking how. I don't think I would have even knew if it weren't for you know nearly dying and me saving your sorry ass with my blood."

"I drank your blood!" his face a mixture of horror.

"No" I clarify "I just poured some on your wound."

He relaxes "That's okay then."


"Syd this is a mistake. I can't be your mate."

I grab his chin "Look me in my eyes and tell me I am kidding."

He closes his eyes "This doesn't make sense."

"To me it does. I love you Roth. I have always loved you. Even if you weren't my mate some part of my heart would have belonged to you" I whisper.

"Don't you understand I-I" his voice fades "Why can't I feel it?"

I climb on top of him (ofc carefully no pressure on his stomach, what do guys think of me!) my legs stradling his hips "I know what I am feeling. I have this urge to rip your clothes off and make you mine. I want to bite your neck. I want to kick Sia for taking you upstairs last night."

Roth gulps "Nothing happened last night."

I raise my eyebrow.

He doesn't explain further.

I bring my face closer to his, my hands on either side of his face "Mine"

He opens his eyes "I have a girlfriend."

I smirk "Doesn't matter. You are mine."

Before my lips could touch his, he pushed away "You don't understand I can't I just can't."

I slowly pull away my grin fading, the sting of rejection feeling worse than anything I have been through "Listen this because I don't think we will have the time to talk about things like this as the war approaches."

"What war?"

I silence him with a glare "You are my mate. I will want you, I will always want you and always had. But above all you are my best friend and if your happiness lies with someone who isn't me that's okay. Take your time, decide."

My expression softens as he nods meekly.

I kiss him on the forehead and walk away.

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