Chapter 12 : Grabbing Roth's Junk

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"You're just a gold fish swimmin' in a bowl
Stay up on the surface
Nobody will know its you
You're just as scared as them"- Until the Ribbon Breaks


"Where the heck does your alpha live?" I asked Roth. We have been walking down the beach for half an hour "In some underwater cave? Screwing mermaids"

Roth winced "That's the shit talking that would end you in trouble. It's your pack too and you got to respect the alpha."

I made a face at him and changed the topic "Who was that guy that came by to your house?"

Roth's face hardened "His name is Raphael. He is the second in command."

"He's the Beta?"

"Yup. And he's pretty screwed up. Abusive parents and all that shit. Alpha rescued him from a burning house Raphael's parents set on fire."

I nodded in sympathy "He's quite an eye candy"

Roth's expression blanked "What about Jamie? Aren't you dating him?"

I sighed "Jamie's still my boyfriend."

I bit my lip, slipping my hand in Roth's pocket.

"What are you doing?" he asked flustered.

I smirked "What do you think I am doing?"

His face reddened "Grabbing my junk."

I laughed and pulled out his cell phone and dialled Jamie's number.

Jamie picked up "Hey, man. What's up?"

"Beautiful sky adorned with fluffy gray clouds blanketing the sun like a lover's embrace. Birds soaring through the sky, determined to find food and fly the highest." I blabbered looking up at the sky.

"Babe, what are doing? I was trying to find you all night. Where were you? Is Roth with you?" Jamie's voice was laced with concern and teeny tiny amount of suspicion.

I laughed mockingly "Baby I'm sure you did"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Did you have fun kissing the blonde girl you were dancing with? Was she any good?"

The line went silent "You noticed that"

"You tend to notice your boyfriend playing tongue cricket with  a bimbo."

"Can we talk?" he asked.

Ha. You wish.

"We are. Aren't we?"

"I mean face to face."

"There's nothing more to tell. You ducking cheated on me. Next time we meet I will punch you in the face with my football studs."

I canceled the call and passed the phone back to Roth. Roth's face was abnormally blank.

"Just get on with it" I told him.

Roth's poker face broke out in a grin and he whooped up and down on the beach for a minute doing those ridiculous dance steps.

Never have I seen a guy so unattractive in my life. Never have I ever felt so much love well up in me either.

We finally reached a cottage, inhabitable by human standards. That's what we are 'animals'. Who wants to feel humane when you can roll around in dirt? Right?

Roth stopped me "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"That you and Jamie didn't work out."

I smiled sarcastically "No you are not"

He looked down and then in my eyes. Roth's green eyes are his most attractive features. I have always admired his eyes, loved them. Right now, I just want to look into his eyes. It might be werewolf hormones because I wanted to jump his bones and claim him mine. There was this thing inside me screaming something important but I couldn't understand it.

"Yes, I'm not. I'm escastic. I want to tell you I told you so. I know you cared for him. I'm sorry for that. I know how much you hate adultery."

I do. But I knew it from start that Jamie was going to cheat on me. Once a player always a player. For some girl he might leave his ways, and I knew I wasn't that girl. I cared but I didn't care enough to change him. He liked me but he didn't like me enough to change.

For start our relationship was doomed. He wanted me because I didn't. I said yes because I pitied him.

I grabbed Roth's hand and entered the damn cottage.

Okay I was wrong. I was being a judgemental ass without even knowing my kind.

The cottage from Stone age, from inside looks like a paradise. The walls are of the colour of night sky, intense dark blue. If it weren't for the white lamps adoring the walls at every intersection I would have mistaken it to be black.

A television hanged on the left side of the hall, with small children sitting on the floor and watching Pokemon. The adults sat on the couches and sofas talking about the latest cricket matches. I could hear every word of their conversation from the entrance of the hall with my heightened hearing. They were betting against India, claiming that Britain was going to win. I had watched the live match yesterday, before the party, and they were soo going to lose the bet. The Indian team captain when paired with Virat Kohli one of the most good looking batsman I have ever seen, on the pitch, are going to smoke all those white asses.

The opposite end had rows of bookshelf mostly filled with ancient manuscripts. My nose itched wanting to inhale all the wisdom and that sweet but weirdly bitter smell of old papers.

With my hands entangled with Roth's I started forward.

At once everyone in the vicinity looked up.

I thought they would sneer at me and would get all sassy on my ass but everyone just looked at me with sympathy and moved on. Except one girl around my age with golden hair, she hissed at me and left the hall.

I know that girl. But I don't remember. I looked at Roth for an answer but he just shrugged and pulled me into a room on the second floor at the end of the passage.

He knocked on the door, after a minute the door opened and we entered. The room was barely furnished. The desk was strewn with papers, the window behind the desk was open. The window was so large that you could jump from it. It was probably there for that reason. Like an emergency exit for the wolves when need be arised. Under attack, just collect the kids, smuggle them down the corridor, make them jump off the window, walk them through the hidden caves that Roth talked about.

The room was occupied by Raphael leaning on the desk smirking at Roth, another guy with jet black hair and brown eyes, probably the gamma of the pack and a man sitting on an uncomfortable rotating chair facing the window.

The man is the alpha of my pack. The person whose orders I cannot disobey. The person to whom I'm going to swear my loyalty too. The red headed man will be my priestess and I'll be his Stannis Baratheon. He will be the man leading me to my doom, if he wishes.

The chair turned and I was looking at a man who had "I suck my own dick" written on his forehead with a sharpie in my handwriting.

Roth eyes widened recognizing my cursive.

In a minute the alpha pinned me to the door, his hands around my neck "I've been waiting for you, love"

Oh boy.


Sorry guys for the irregular updates. It's my last year in school and I have to pretend that I'm studying. Believe me when I say it's time consuming.

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