Chapter 7 : Pandemonium in my stomach

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"Cause you make me feel like
I could be driving you all night
And I'll find your lips in the streetlights
I wanna be there with you" - Carly Rae Jepsen


This past week has been weird. Everything feels surreal. The school has accepted the fact that Jamie and I are going out. Rachel has been less annoying. I'm the new prodigy student in biology. Everything is perfect.

But something doesn't feel right.

Roth's acting weird. Ever since he came back from his grandma's beach house, he is acting strange. After giving me the cakes, his grandma baked, he closed his window curtains.

He closed his window curtains!!!

This is astonishing because we have this thing, you know that window to window late night chats. He never cared to shut his curtains down when stripping naked to hop in his shower.

So, I knew something was wrong. I swung my right leg on the window as I contemplated whether to break in his room or give him some space like a good friend.

I decided to give him space as I pushed myself off the window and collapsed on my bed. Mom's voice was still ringing in my ears as she shouted at precarious position I was caught in.

I have never seen her getting this worked up since Dad brought the topic of Simon Sage , our used to be next door neighbour who lived in Jake's house when I wasn't even born. I guess there was some bad blood between them.

But come to think of it, I got off the hook pretty cheap. Mom grounded me for a week and took away my phone for a month. If I would've found my teenage daughter in the act, I would've shipped her to another continent even before the guy got to leave the room.

And now I'm being hypocrite. But I never told I wasn't.

The next day I tried confronting Roth but he waved my concerns away claiming that he had a rough night.

As as days passed, Roth got more and more distant which annoyed the hell out of me. Finding Ryder wasn't enough and now I have a PMSing Roth to take care of.

There were times when I would catch Roth staring at me with confusion, followed by frowns.

Sitting with Jamie's arm wrapped around my waist, didn't stop me from thinking about Roth. Subconsciously, my eyes would always drift to Roth which didn't go unnoticed by Jamie and his squad.

"So are you coming to the party, babe?" Jamie asked with a forced smile as he caught me looking at Roth for the tenth time.

"Sure" I replied with a forced smile of my own.


"Roth" I yelled rushing past my classmates as the last period bell rang to catch Roth before he could leave for home.

I think he didn't hear me because he kept walking, his hands in his jean's back pockets. He wore Pink Floyd shirt with his brown hair falling in his eyes. There was something different about him, not only he was more closed off but he was looking different too. Good different or bad different, I can't pinpoint.

"Roth-" I shouted once again as I closed the distance.

Roth stopped abruptly making me bump into his back and I would've fallen down if Roth didn't turn at record time and wrapped his hands around my waist saving my butt from gracing the ground.

"Woah" I said as I stared into his green eyes and for unknown reason I was breathless as I felt his fingers press my sides. My skin tingled as he held me. But I disregarded the matter as my rational side of brain kicked in and blamed it on the electrostatic energy.

He smiled at me "What do I owe the pleasure of your company, highness?"

I giggled "Walk me home."

Roth raised his brow in question. Jake and I used to walk home together but ever since I started going out with Jamie, he insisted that I ride with him everday to school.

"Jamie has some things to take care of." I lied. Jamie offered to take me home but I told him off telling Roth and I needed some bonding time. He grumbled angrily but stepped down.

Roth nodded as his arms tightened around me. His one arm still wrapped around me Roth lightly touched my face, that had me undone. I could feel my knees going weak as his knuckles grazed my cheeks.

Fighting the blush I swallowed nervously. My eyes were the size of tennis balls as Roth's finger traced my lower jaw, his thumb brushing against the corner of my lips.

His eyes were glazed with awe and confusion as he pulled me against him.

My stomach erupted in butterflies and in a matter of seconds they reproduced creating a pandemonium in my stomach. I pressed my legs together as I was hit by a different kind of wanting.

In a daze both of us leaned forward, his nose touching mine. His hands secured around my waist, as he pulled me closer. Chest to chest.

My breathing grew heavy as Roth's's lips inched forward slowly. I felt his hot breadth against my mouth, a few inches.....

A loud horn broke us apart as I fell on my butt. I groaned loudly, standing up, brushing my jeans of dust.

What the hell? Roth was about to kiss me and that stupid car with that stupid annoying horn had to interrupt us.

Oh, my. I was about to kiss my best friend.

I freaked out.

Not only it would have ruined my relationship with Jamie but with Roth's as well.

Roth's expression mirrored mine as the fact what was about to happen if we weren't interrupted sinked in.

Brent got out of the car with a confused frown as he glanced between me and Roth "Were you two about to..." he left the sentence hanging there.

"I..I- actu....actually" I stammered.

Roth cut in my vain attempt at lying "What are you doing here?"

Brent shrugged "Zain had some work for me"

"Were you following me?" Roth questioned angrily.

Brent and Roth were in a silent stare down which broke while Brent rolled his eyes in annoyance and answered "You know too well, what I did and why I did."

To many W's.

Roth scoffed as he pulled my hand, intertwining our fingers and started walking down the path again leaving Brent on the side of the road without a word.

"Who's Zain?" I asked cursing my curiosity.

"Someone I know from the beach" Roth said evasive as ever.

Rest of the way we continued our banter and argued who is more hotter Salvatore sibling.

Of course, Damon won.

As we stepped in our street, my hands in Roth it was easy to forget what was just about to happen that would have jeopardized our friendship forever.

And would have left me with nothing except self loathing. I can't have feelings for my best friend, I have a boyfriend. I will never cheat on him.

But I can't deny the way Roth makes me feel any longer.


Do you know what sucks? Exams.

I hate exams so much that I'm ready to murder the person who thought exams would be fun and created the freaking idea of exams.

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