Chapter Nine: Ross Time

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Your Point of View

I slowly open my eyes. I'm on Jin's lap, my head on his chest. He is still asleep, so I stay still to not disturb him. I listen to his heart beat and feel his chest rise and fall. His eyes open about ten minutes later.

"Good morning Y/N," He yawns.

"Good morning Jin," I say. I get off of his lap and stand up.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"It's, OH MY GOD!" I yell. "12:30! We need to get ready and leave right now!" He jumps off the couch, and we race to his room. He changes quickly while I grab my jacket and car keys. We sprint to his car and jump in. He starts the engine and off we go.

Ross' Point of View

I'm still in a bad mood about Y/N and Jin's date. Why can't she see that I love her? I sit in my office and sigh. Adam walks in and stands in the doorway.

"Hey," He begins, "Do you know where Y/N and Jin are? They aren't here and they aren't answering their phones," I shrug. "Ok, thanks for helping," Says Adam as he walks away.

Y/N and Jin still aren't here? Don't tell me they spent the night the night together and.... I can't think like that. I just need to focus on work. Maybe that will distract me.

Jin's Point of View

We get out of the car and race to the office doors. We run in and stop. Everyone stares at us. I blush but Y/N looks at them all with her head high. She seems confident, and I don't know why. There's Y/N for ya. Always an unpredictable angel.

I walk to my office and find Adam waiting for me in it. "Well, well, well," He says in a teasing voice. "I knew you two had to spend the night together if you were both late,"

"We fell asleep watching a movie. Nothing more," I say, trying to persuade his assumptions of us doing God knows what.

"I believe you," Adam replies, chuckling. "Just trying to mess with you," He playfully punches my arm. "Now get ready, we are gonna record a holiday sing-off because it's close to Christmas,"

Oh crap! I completely forgot about how close Christmas is due to Y/N arrival. I need to get her the best present, just what could it be...

"Jin! Get ready!" Yells Adam. I move as fast as I can and join the Skype call. "Are we ready?" Asks Y/N. "Let's do this!" Shouts Adam.

Adam: Hey guys, Sky here, and today I'm with Jin, Barney,

John: Yah!

Adam: (laughs) ROOOSSSSSSSSSS , and YT/N. Today we are going to be doing a HOLIDAY SING-OFF!!!!


Adam: Cause I wanna do one! Ok let's get this started. I'll go first. (Sings Winter Wonderland, really good)

Everyone: claps

Adam: Ok Barney, your turn!

John: Yah! (Sings Jingle Bells, or attempts to sing Jingle Bells)

Everyone: laughs and claps

Barney: Oks Ross, yours turns

Ross: (sings In Summer by Olaf)

Y/N: That isn't a holiday song!

Ross: It has a snowman!

Everyone: laughs and claps

Y/N: Jin, your turn.

Jin: (Sings Silent Night, pretty good)

Everyone: claps

Jin: Ok Y/N, let's see what ya got!

Y/N: (sings All I Want for Christmas Is You, insert your singing here)


Jin: Your voice is beautiful!

Adam: Yeah, you killed it up there!

Ross: Agreed!

Barney: Yah!

Y/N: Thanks, guys, that means a lot.

Adam: Well, thank you for watching another Sing Off! If you liked this video make sure to


Adam: And slap that like button! Thanks for watching!


Your Point of View

After the recording was posted, it got tons of likes and comments. I started getting millions of tweets on how good your singing is. This made me feel happy and confident. Suddenly, Ross walks into my office.

"Hey, Ross!" I say happily.

"Hey," He says sadly.

"What's wrong?" I stand up and suddenly fill up with concern. Has something happened to one of my best friends, Ross?

"Y/N, I love you," He said, taking my hand and kissing it. "I want you, I need you," His voice is so pleading, it makes me want to cry.

"I....I.... Uh...." I stammer, unable to create words. I'm in tons of shock. His eyes are filled with so much love, so much longing. He steps closer to me. I try to back up, but end up running into your desk. He leans in for a kiss.

It's interrupted by Jin walking in.

Seattle (Jinbop x Reader and Ross x Reader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now