Chapter Twenty-Two: Nice to Meet You!

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Your Point of View

Once I get out of bed, I put on some black leggings, a black Call of Duty shirt, a brown sweater, and my black beanie. I grab my keys and head to the office.

Fast Forward to at the offices

Right as I walk in, a girl is sitting on one of the couches talking to Ross.

"Hey, Ross," I say, walking up. "Who's she?"

"This is my twin Sarah," She does a small wave. She looks shy, but really cute. She has medium length brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles. She is wearing blue jeans and a black shirt with a plaid jacket over it.

"Nice to meet you," I say, shaking her hand. "Well, I'm gonna go record a video. See ya guys later!" I walk away and into my office. Cool! A new girl for once. Maybe her, Alesa, and I should get together soon.

Fast Forward to Lunch Time

"I'm hungry!" I complain while helping John with some schedules.

"Yous go and eats, I finishes these," He says.

"Thanks! I'll pick you up something. Just text me what you want," I say as I walk away. Before I walk out, I see Sarah on the couch. I walk over to her.

"Hey," I said, walking up to her. "I'm going to iHop to get something to eat. Do you wanna come with me?" She nods her head excitedly. "Since your Ross' sister, I'm guessing you love iHop as much as him?" I ask as we walk out the door. "Yeah, iHop is the best," She admits, which makes me laugh.

Fast Forward to after iHop and in my office

Once we are back from iHop, Sarah and I start messing around in my office. She even recorded  a video with me! She is really loud and funny once I got to know her. At one point, Jin walks  in.

"Hey guys!" He says, walking over and kissing my cheek. "Hey!" I say happily. "Ooo!" Yells Sarah like a 5 year old. "You two are dating!"

"Yup!" Says Jin winking at me. I roll my eyes playfully, and Sarah laughs. Jin sits down with us, and we all start having an amazing time! We play Five Nights At Freddy's 4, which makes Jin scream and go get Muffin. Soon, it's the end of the day.

"Thanks for hanging out with me," Says Sarah. We exchange phone numbers and she leaves with Ross. "Later Jin!" I tell Jin, kissing him. He smiles. "Later. Oh, and tomorrow, do you have anything planned?"

"Nope!" I tell him. He grins. "I'll text you tomorrow then!" I give him another kiss and leave.

Once I get home, I eat some Taco Bell, showered, watch (favorite movie), and go to bed.

Authors Note: I want to thank @lilgoatz for entering the contest and giving me this awesome character! You're so cool!

By The Way: Another character will be added in two more chapters. Please, keep doing the contest! You can enter my giving me your name, age, looks, likes/dislikes, YouTube name + how many subscribers (optional), family (optional), crush (if you want one in the story), personality, and stereotype. That's all! Thanks for reading!!!

Seattle (Jinbop x Reader and Ross x Reader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now