The Alpha's Heart.

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**Lindsey POV**

'Run, Lindsey!!' My wolf yelled at me with urgency.

So thats what I did. I ran leaving everything and everyone. My loving friends and family. I scoffed at that thought , they were as loving as I was able to shoot butterflys out my wolfy butt. So not at all.

I barely got out of that territory. The rogues attacked wiping out my pack in a matter of hours. I grabbed what I had before I ran, meaning a pair of shorts and my wolf necklace. I bolted from the house and didnt dare look back. I knew I was out of territory when I could no longer hear the strangled screams of all the ones who hurt me. I heard a twig snap and I growled lowly but only pushing my wolf faster.

I ran for I dont know how long. Hours, Days, Weeks it didnt matter as long as I was still alive. I heard the the rain before I felt it and with a loud crack of thunder, the rain poured and since it was night it didnt help. I pushed forward even in darkness I was running. I knew I couldnt stop or else i'd be killed on the spot. I felt the darkness closing in on me and the rain became muffled. Then I blacked out.


Thud. Thud. Thud. I heard the paws running and they brought me from my slumber. It was still dark out but the rain had stopped. I was still in wolf form and my coat was matted with leaves, twigs and dirt. I stood up and found my bag a few feet away. I grabbed it in my mouth and prepared to run when a voice stopped me. "If you run, we will have no choice but to kill you. " I slowly turned to look at this mysterious voice. A man with shaggy blond hair and green eyes and the other one had spiked black hair and brown eyes both stared at me mischievously. "Who are you?" they asked in synch. "None of your business." I growled. The blond haired ones eyes changed to black and a low growl rumbles from his chest. "You will not disrespect us." his voice had lowered a few octaves.

I scoffed at that last remark . "And why the hell not?" I wasnt trying to be rude but he just pissed me off when he tried to tell me what to do. A huge growl ricocheted off the walls of the forest. "You will bow down or else." I looked him firm in the eyes. I knew when I replied I would get killed but what its what I wanted, I had nothing to live for. No friends.No family. No mate. So I smirked and replied. "Or else what?" and I was knocked to the ground.


I awoke in a white room with a white bed and only a singlet and underwear on. I heard a monitor beeping next to me. I struggled to get up only to realize I was strapped down at the wrists and ankles. I siged exasperated at my situation. I suddenly smelled a manly woodsy scent. It was deliciously enticing. I then heard footsteps out side the door. I dont know if it was my heary or my wolf going crazy but in stepped the most gorgeous man with shaggy choclate brown hair that reached his eyes and crystal blue eyes that looked kike they could burn a whole in me. He looked up from the clipboard in his hand and my eyes immediatly dropped to the floor. "Hello Rogue, Im the alpha of the Moon Dusk pack and I ask you "why are you here?" I started stuttering "I..I pack they...they." I choked out what I could. "Look at me." he demanded. I refused the last thing you wanted to do was stare down an alpha. "Look at me now." Again I refused. He reached down and grabbed my chin to look at him. My whole body tensed and screamed 'MATE'. I wanted to touch him but my retraints confined me. He looked at what caused my distress and ripped the leather straps with ease. He lifted me off the bed with ease and let me stand on my own two feet. Once I gained my balance I turned to look at him and I was only able to glance at him before I was pushed against the wall. His lips connected to mine and my hands immediately went to his hair.

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He asked for entrance which I denied earning a growl from him. He bit my lip making me gasp in surprise to which he dominated my mouth with his. He released my mouth but only to move to my neck. I moaned in pleasure as he traile his tongue over my sweet spot. He grinded his manhood that had hardened from our makeout session.

"Stop!" I yelled and pushed him away. He growled and advanced torwards me. I whimpered and he stopped. I ran to the bed and wrapped a sheet around me , I didnt have any pants on for gods sake!

"Whats wrong?" he asked calmly.

"I dont know what came over me I just.. cant do this."

His breath caught in his throat and he eyes turned red. "You just wait..youll be in heat in a couple of days and your gonna need me more than anything" he smirked and walked out of the room.


Well? What do you think? I just thought this would be a good story plot. Vote and Comment!!!

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