Lost Memories.

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Chapter 8:

A/N: The song for this chapter is

I'll be- Edwin McCain please listen to it, it really fits the chappy!

Lindsey POV:

Fog. Dark. I cant see shit. A cold air blew across my arms and chillbumps arose. Where the hell am I? I stumbled forward and kept walking. A grave yard. I squatted next to the closest one. I wiped away the dirt and read it. 'Sam Turner Loving mate and son. killed in battle.'

A/N: I dont think I gave him a last name. If I did let me know.

Sams dead? My whole body was racked with pain. My wolf howled in grief. I fell to the ground. I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out and threw it away.

I got in the fetal position as I began to cry. "Lindsey." I heard it. "kitten...." There it was again. "Please wake up baby." the voice cracked at the end. I heard a sob being choked out. My wolf yearned to be near the voice. It was so beautiful. Very melodic. "Dont ...leave me." Another sob comensed. "I ..l-love you." Then the voice slipped away.

"Wait, where are you?!" I screamed at the voice. I fell to my knees. I had a splitting pain in my neck and I couldnt breath.

What is happening? Then I saw it.

A small light at the gates opening. I ran towards it. It would glow brighter the closer I got to it. I reached out to touch and it shied away. "Dont worry, I wont hurt you." I said as I offered my hand. The light slowly slid near my head. Surprisingly I wasnt frightened by the small glowing ball that was hovering in the air. When the light finally touched my hand a geeat felling of peace and serenity washed over me. My hand was warm and I felt sparks when I touched the glow. "Baby, please ...I need my luna." The voice is back. All of the sudden the glow shot forward directly to my chest. The light disappeared. It knocked me to the ground and my air whooshed out of my lungs. Then the dream ended.


Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a beautiful face. "Kitten.." That wasnt my name. "Thats not my name.." I told the unknown person. He reached for my hand but I snatched it away. A look of hurt flashed in his eyes. "Whats wrong?" he asked curiously. "I dont know you..." A growl erupted from him. I cowered in the corner of the bed. He got up and stalked out the room. I heard the argument through the the door. I wasnt eavesdropping, the conversation was liud enough to hear. 'She cant remeber me- She hit her head when she fell, im not surprised she has memory loss- But im her mate she has to remember me- Alpha Im only a pack doctor and I cant make her remember-Well I vow to make her remwber.' The door then opened and in stepped the mystery guy. "Hey, Um.. Im Sam and Uh..were mates. " He mumbled out while scratching his neck. "I-..you..mates..wait did we mate?" I stuttered out. He blushed and replied "No, we haven't."

I released a breath. "Thank god, I dont know if id have been able to look at you the same if you had seen my lady parts..." I told him while blushing. He laughed and leaned forward. I stopped breathing. He had beautiful eyes. He reached up and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. I leaned into his touch and sighed.

I then realized what I was doing and that I barely knew this guy. I wretched myself backwards and almost fell off the bed. Sam whimpered. "Please kitt-Lindsey, dont try to reject the bond that we can both clearly feel. I know it seems crazy that you wake up and find out that you have a mate" he said as he pointed to himself "that you dont know." I stared at him. How do I not remember? "What happens to me?" I asked.

He sighed and started " An ignorant lower ranking wolf tried to grope you unknowningly that your mate was me, the Alpha. You mindlinked me and I came to help you. But when I pulled the guy off and started to beat him, you-you passed out and hit your head on the granite couter top. Im guessing thats what caused your memory loss and that you dont remember me." he choked out that last part. I reached out and rubbed his hand. "I may not know you but it'll be alright." I told him reassuringly. "Can I try something? By all means you can say no." He asked. "what do you want to do?" I asked hesitantly.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked timidly. I thought for a second. "I guess, it might help with the memory thing."

A/N: Cue Song!

He came forward and put his hand behind my neck. I sat up and looked him in the eyes. He leaned in and gently placed his lips on mine. I felt shocks of love and passion as I began to kiss him back. I knotted my hands in his hair and granted him entrance. Then it all came flooding back. The rogues, the hospital, him marking me, Everything. I broke away from Sam. It was like a great gust of wind blew into me. "Sam! I remember!" He stared at me confused. "Are you sure? " he asked. "Yes, damn it!! I remember everything, you and me, your dog, Caroline, the wierd guy who touched me, Everything!" I yelled. He jumped and fist pumped the air. He pulled me from the bed. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed as he planted a kiss on my lips. I broke away. "I love you, Sam." He gasped and kissed me again. "I love you too. Always have, always will." He picked me up again. "Sam!! Put me down!" I laughed out. "Never!" he screamed. He ran from the room and down the hall. He carried me to his room and threw me on the bed. He leaned over me and placed his lips on my neck. I moaned as things got heated. Then something licked my face. I giggled "Sam, stop licking my face!!" He stopped confused. "What..im not licking your- Hershey!!" I opened my eyes and were met with the deep brown of Hersheys eyes. "Oh my goodness, hershey!!!" I laughed. Sam shooed the dog off the bed. He leaned forward to kiss me again but I stopped him "Hersh kinda killed the moment." He growled. "Hershey, you see what you did?" he told the dog playfully. I stood up and began to strip as I walked towards the bathroom. "Im taking a shower" I told Sam. "Well then so am I." I stopped him. "No...your staying out here." I stated. "But..." he pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "No buts!" I said while poking him on the chest. "I have to take a shower and you have to stay out here! If you unlock the door. I-I will not touch you for a whole week." I threatened. He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Are you sure you can handle that?" he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably....not." I told him.

"But im serious, you can have me all to your self just let me take a shower in peace, Deal?" I offered him.

He nodded and I walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I stripped the last of my clothes off and stepped into the shower. I scrubbed my hair and body. I rinsed all the soap off. Id probably spent about 20 minutes in the shower. I wrapped myself in a towel and stepped out of the bathroom.

Candles littered the floor creating an amber glow. Soft music played in the back ground. Sam had only his boxers on as he lit the last candle. "I thought you would want romance." I smiled and let my towel drop. Sam growled lowly and advanced torwards me.


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if the story! thanks.

Thanks for the reads

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