Pack House Blues.

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Chapter 3:

Samuel POV

"You can run but you cant hide!" I yelled out of breath. Lindsey giggled and unknowingly gave away her location. She has been hiding from me for trying to make her get on my motorcycle.

I layed down on the ground and looked under the cars. Sure it was dangerous messing around in a parking lot but it was highly unlikely we would get hurt seeing it was 3:30 in the morning. I saw her feet and her perfect little ass squatting two cars away. I slowly walked over until I was at the edge of the car she was by. I jumped out from behind it and tried to scare Lindsey. "Boo!" But she was no longer there. I turned around getting nervous. "Lindsey, Come out now." My alpha tone coming forth. My eyes darkened when I recieved no response. I saw a dark shadow moved quickly to my right.

All my senses dulled as I focused in on that point. I stalked forward and turned a quick corner around the truck. I stopped. It was a freaking cat. But where was Lindsey?

I listened closely to try and pick up her heart beat. Then I heard it. Thump.Thump. Thump. Was she scared? Why was it beating so fast? The something jumped onto my back. I whirled around to try and fling the attacker off but a giggle erupted from her. "Getting a little nervous, are we now?" She slid down off my back and I grabbed her waist and pushed her against the truck. "Dont ever..EVER do that to me again." I growled and buried my nose in her hair. "Im sorry. Forgive me?" she asked in a breathy voice and wrapped her arms around my neck. Based on the hardened member against her thigh she knew I forgave her. "Your lucky I like you." I laughed out. "Only like?" she asked innocently. "Well," I said acting as if I was thinking. I put my hand on my chin.

"I guess I might really like you" I told her. Her face was priceless. A mixture of shock and awe crossed her features. Then sadness. "I was just kidding! " She turned and walked away from me. I heard her sniffle. "Lindsey,..I was only kidding, honestly." She turned to me and snickered. "Gotcha!" She then erupted into laughter. Ill admit I laughed with her.

"If you really dont want to get on the motorcycle, I can call someone from the pack and they can drive it home and well drive whatever car they bring." I told her. She nodded "Thank you. I'll give you a kiss for being so considerate." She placed her arms on my shoulders and I put mine on her hips. She leaned in slowly and placed her lips on my cheek. Wait, my cheek? She aint gettin away with that.

"I think I deserve one more since you scared me earlier." I told her mischievously. "I guess you get one more." She stated holding one finger up, I smiled and pointed to my cheek. She then closed her eyes and leaned forward but I quickly turned my head and our lips connected instead. I dont mean to sound mushy but fuck it. I swear sparks flew and my wolf went wild. Lindsey's hands tangled in my hair and I wrapped my arms around her waist and tightened them to bring her closer. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip but she still denied me entrance I growled and dropped my hands to her ass. She gasped and I took that as my chance and invaded her mouth.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! No PDA!!" my beta, Cameron yelled. I hadnt even heard him drive up. I'll get him back for this later. Lindsey quickly pulled away from me while blushing. It made my wolf growl and I pulled her back to me. "Cameron, Take my motorcycle home and please..." I said taking out my keys and hesitantly handing them to him and he gave me his keys "dont wreck my baby." Lindsey scoffed at that remark.

Cameron excitedly took my keys and hurriedly started my motorcycle and drove off. I walked torwards his truck and turned to see Lindsey still standing in the place. I walked torwards and grabbed her hand. "Come on, something wrong?" I asked. "Why dont you ride with your baby?" she said sarcastically. I looked at her and smiled. "Why would I ride with my baby if I could ride with my world?" She blushed adorably. I laughed and kissed her cheek. She followed me to the truck and I opened the door for her. "Me Lady" I said in a posh voice. She laughed and replied "Why thank you good sir." I closed the door and went around to the other side. I got in and started the engine.

A/N: I decided I would put two POV's I this chappy so enjoy!

Lindsey POV.

We arrived at what I was assuming the pack house. It was huge! It had white walls with gold and red shutters. It was four storys and had two garages with a huge golden gate around the whole place.

But then I realized this was the Moon dusk pack the biggest pack in the country, averaging 4, 000 wolves. They obviously needed a big house. Sam pulled up to a speaker box and pressed the red button. "Ehhhh...yello?" a guy slurred out. "Brandon, its me. Open the gate." Sam said curtly. "Its me? Did I come back from the future? Hey me!! Dude!!" who Im guessing "Brandon" yelled. I laughed at his funny behavior and I figured he was drunk. "Wait, dude you got a girl in there? Way to go me!! Is she hot?" With that remark Sam growled and punched the speaker out. I laughed at him and grabbed his hand. "You know your the only one for me" I said matter of factly. The gates finally opened and Sam drove forward. He parked in the garage, killed the engine and ran around the car to me with a speed only a werewolf could master. He yanked the door open and pulled me onto his back. He made sure I was situated comfortably on his back before he took off into the house. Thats when I heard the music thumping. Sam walked me to the kitchen and got me a can of soda. I looked at him with confusion. "What? People do bad stuff when theyre drunk which is why i dont drink and i dont want you to either." he said sheepishly.

My favorite song began to blast from the speakers around the room.

'Yeah, I stay down with with my day one niggas and we in the club screaming, No new friends, No new friends, No new friends, No, no new.'

I sang along with the music. Sam looked at me in disbelief. I shrugged my shoulders "What? I like Drake." He shook his head and laughed. Then some girl wrapped there arms around his neck and whispered seductively in his ear.

"Hey baby, Do you want to repeat last night..hmm?" Oh hell no.


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To like or not to like that is the question?

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