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Here is the 5th chapter! Finally!! So in this chapter Matthew Tuck, the lead singer of Bullet For My Valentine, is introduced, but I'm sorry if it's not the way he acts in real life. Now, enjoy and the 6th chapter will be up soon. ~Horror

I woke up due to someone slamming the door.I opened my eyes and looked out the window. I saw Uncle Corey and Matthew Tuck giving each other a piggyback ride. I shook my head and got out the car.

"(Y/n)!" Matthew yelled and put Uncle Corey down. Uncle Corey waved for me to come over and I did.

"Hey Matthew," I said as I walked to them.

"How are you?" Matthew asked me.

"I'm good. Tired," I said,"You?"

"Great. I'm excited for the tour," he replied.

"Yeah. Can't say the same. But I'm looking forward to meeting people," I said. Matthew nodded slowly. "Like who?" Uncle Corey asked.

"People," I said and frown a little.

"But you hate meeting people," Uncle Corey said. I looked at him and Matthew rapidly, and slowly walked away. I turned a corner and bumped into a really tall guy with three lip piercings. He caused me to fall to the ground.

"Sh*t. I'm so sorry," he said and helped me up.

"It's okay," I said and dusted my pants.

"You okay?" a shorter guy asked. He had shortish hair and looked like a girl. "Umm yeah. I'm fine," I replied.

"Again. I'm so sorry," the taller guy said.

"Sorry for what?" Uncle Corey asked.

"I bumped into this beautiful lady and she fell," the tall guy explained. I blushed a little. I may not know him, but I gotta say he's hot. Even though he's wearing eye makeup. I don't care. I've always had an  unusual attraction to guys that wear makeup and have tattoos. I still don't know how many tattoos this guy has, but he has a neck tattoo.

"Umhm. I see," Uncle Corey said and looked at me. I looked at him.

"You okay?" Uncle Corey asked me.

"Yes," I replied. He nodded.

"Well, now that you guys are here I want you to meet my niece, (y/n)," Uncle Corey said and looked at me. I smiled.

"Hello," I said.

"Oh," the tall guy said," I'm sorry for the sentence I said earlier."

"Okay," Uncle Corey said.

"I'm Devin, but I go by Ghost," the shorter guy said.

"Hi," I said and smiled. He smiled back.

"I'm Chris Motionless," the tall guy said and extended his hand. I smiled and shook his hand. He smiled back. Uncle Corey cleared his throat and Chris and I let go.

"Guys, we have soundcheck," a shorter guy that Ghost said.

"Alright," Ghost said, "Later Corey. Bye (y/n)."

"Bye," I replied.

"Bye Corey," Chris said.

"Bye," Uncle Corey said.

"Goodbye (y/n)," Chris said and looked at me in the eyes.

"B-bye," I replied. He smiled and walked away. I blinked and looked over to Uncle Corey. He was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said and shook his head.

"What is it Uncle Knot?" I asked.

"Whoa. Uncle Knot?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. He looked mad. Shiz.

"I like it," he said.

"Yay," I said.

"I bet $20, he's gonna ask you out," Uncle Knot said.

"Who? Chris?" I said.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Alright and if he doesn't I get to go to Hot Topic and buy whatever I want with your credit card," I said.

"Deal," Uncle Knot said and chuckled. I nodded. I'm actually hoping Chris asks me out. I guess I want to give my Uncle Knot 20 bucks.

Thanks to kamosep for commenting for 'Uncle Knot'. Really thank you. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ~Horror 

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