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Hello. So so sory for not updating. Really. Sorry. But here's the first chapter! Yay. Enjoy. ~Horror


(Y/n) POV

I sat staring at the white wall in front of me. It's been four days since my parents died. I had no where to go, so I've been staying at the hospital. My parents and I had came to Florida for a month vacation. Everything was going good, until after a week. My parents went to a dinner together. You know, without me, like a date. I stayed in the hotel. I was fine until someone called me.

*kind of a flash back*

I answered and all I heard were police and ambulance sirens. They asked for my name, I told them my name. After that, what they told me afterwards, tore my heart into millions of pieces. "I'm sorry to inform you. That your parents have died in a car accident." I remember falling to the we're floor by the pool. I remembered I cried until I fainted. Then I woke up in a stiff hospital bed. The nurse came in and said she was glad I woke up. I asked for for my parents. She just looked down and said follow me. I stood, not caring if I was plugged into a machine. I followed her through the snow white hallways. I never liked hospitals. Not since my grandma got cancer and died. She entered a grey, cold room. Going inside, I noticed two bodies in the far right corner of the room. They were my parents. I ran past the nurse and looked at my parents. My mom's black, curly hair looked so dark, compared to her body. My dad had a huge scar on his chest and lots of bruises. *End of flash back*

I began to cry, due to the memory. I wrapped my arms around my knees, that were close close to my chest. It was cold. Sometimes I get so cold, that I think I'm dead. I wiped my tears with sleeve of my sweater. I was alone. I had no where to go.

"Are you sure?" A voice said, snapping me back to reality. "Y-yeah. I don't have anyone," I replied to the nurse. Wow. I had said that our loud.

"No grandparents? Aunts? Uncles?" she said. I thought for a while. I had and uncle. But I don't know where he is. He travels the world with his band.

"Really? Well there you go. You're not alone. What band is he in?" she asked. I had spoke my thoughts, again. "He's the lead singer of Slipknot," I replied.

"Oh my god. Corey Taylor's your uncle?" she said. I looked at her.

"Yeah. You a fan?" I asked. "Yeah. Huge fan. Why don't you call him?"

"I don't have his number. I think," I said and checked my phone.

"Whoops. Nevermind. I do have his number," i said. "Call him," the nurse said and left. I stares at her walking away, while reordering my thoughts. Should I call my uncle? What if he doesn't want to know anything about me? I guess I'll find out. I looked at my phone and pressed call. It ringed once. It ringed twice. It ringed the third time. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest. I was about to end the call. When I heard him answer.

"Hello?" he said.

"H-hi," I replied.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"It's me Uncle Corey. (Y/n)." There was a silence.

"(Y/n)! How have you been? How's your mother? Father too?" I began to cry.

"Whoa. Kiddo are you crying?"

"T-they're d-dead," I said.

"W-what," he said.

"They're were in a car accident. And didn't survived. But I'm alone. I don't know what to do or where to go," I said crying harder.

"Calm down (Y/n)," I heard him say. I did as be said.

"O-okay," I said and wiped nt checks.

"Don't worry kid. You're nor alone. You're coming with me. Where are you?" he said. "I'm in a hospital in umm... Tampa, Florida," I replied. "Alright. I'm on my way. Don't leave the hospital. Please," he said.

"Okay," I replied.

"Love you kiddo," he said. "Love you too," I said and hanged up. Alright. At least I'm not alone no more.

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