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Jamie's POV

I get pulled out of the room by Evan and don't know what is going to happen. He could tell me that this is the worst idea ever and that I shouldn't be going out with her. That if I do anything to hurt her that he will hurt me in return. But that is not what I got.

"I know that you're probably expecting the whole break her and I break you talk, which is true but I have known you for about seventeen years and I think you are right for her. She needs someone like you in her life. Plus dad said that you are right for her and that if you guys ever got together and was serious enough that he would give you permission to marry her."

"He really said that?"

"Yeah, you were one of his favorite guys that she hung out with and he thought that you were a good influence on her. He would have loved to see this day and when the time came he would have loved to be walking her down the aisle to you."

"How are you doing? How long has it been?"

"It's day to day and it's been about three years."

"He was a great guy and a great father. He did a lot for me even though he didn't have to."

"Yeah, hey let's get back out there before she thinks I'm fighting you."

This has turned out to be a good night and I forget why I was freaking out in the first place. I have known this family since I was little and even though I didn't know all of her aunts, uncles and cousins that well I still was able to get to know them. I know that her family was and is important to her and that they mean the world to her. That she has been through so much.

I talk with Hannah and Alex in the Kitchen for a little while. Alex, Hannah and I had an awkward conversation about have sex and babies but I was more of the silent observer of the two. I know that she wants to be done with college before having kids. That she really didn't care if she was married to the guy as long as she knew that they were serious.

"So J what do you think of the family so far?"

"Well I have only really talked to Papaw and Charlotte so I don't exactly know what to think."

"Well let's get out there and talk to them because they are probably going to tell you a whole bunch of embarrassing stories of me when I was little. So don't laugh too much even though you will probably be in most of them."

The way that she smiles makes my day every day. Like the way that she smiles at Tyson when she talks to him in her baby voice. The way she smiles at me when I talk about the guys. The way she talks about her classes and how her teachers take time to talk about what is going on in the sports world.

You should see when she is taking photos. It just brightens my day because she gets into it. She gets this face and most of the time it would look like she is pissed at the camera for not doing what it was supposed to do. She gets so worked up over taking pictures and she always tells me that its quality over quantity when it comes to taking pictures.

"Hey you okay over there?" Hannah says breaking my thoughts about her back to the party.

"Yes I am. I was just thinking."

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