Painful Truth

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J- Where are you?

H- Doing what I do best.

J- What does that mean?

H- I am invisible to this world. No one gives two fucks about me.

J- Don't say that you mean the world to me.

H- Do I really mean the world to you? Do you know what happened to me when you were in Europe?

J- I have always cared for you. No I don't know what happened, can you tell me?

H- I was raped.

I didn't get a response after that or at least not right away. It's exactly what I thought was going to happen. He was going to hate me for being raped. He is never going to look at me the same and probably won't want to talk to me again. He is probably telling the guys right now.

J- Meet the team in the locker room in half an hour.

I make the fifteen minute journey back from Pike Park. I can't back out now knowing about twenty five men are waiting for me to tell them about my rape. It sucks knowing that this is how I am going to tell them.

I walk the halls of the AAC to the locker room. I stop in front of the doors and stand there deciding if I want to go in and tell them or to turn around and walk away. The next thing I know I feel arms wrap around my body from behind.

"No matter what happens and what you tell us I still love you. You are a great person and whatever you end up doing you will do great. Where ever you end up you will do great there and whoever you end up with is going to be a lucky guy."

I turn around to see Cody Eakin. "Thank you for that but I don't know how you guys will react to my news. I don't think you guys will like me the same." I say looking down.

"Hannah Eyer you better look at me, no matter what you tell us I will still be there for you. You are a fantastic person and I am grateful that I met you last year."

"Can you sit by where I am standing so if I need to hold a hand I can?"

"Yes I can if that is what you want."

We go in together and we sit in his locker. I look around and see that there are a few people still not here yet. I sit quietly as the boys talk and goof off while waiting for the last few to arrive. As I'm waiting for the last few to arrive I am fiddling with the hem of shirt.

"Remember that no matter what you have to tell us I am still here for you. I love you and will still be your friend." Eakin says taking my hand.

"Okay guys can you please be quiet. What I have to say could change how some of you guys look at me and how you feel about me."

All I got was looks from all of them. It was the look of questioning and worry. All them but Jamie look lost and confused. I look at Cody with a plea in my eyes looking for a way out. He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze while giving me a nod to go ahead.

"October 19th of last year I was celebrating my cousin's birthday with my cousin. We don't get to see each other that much because he lives in LA. Some of you went to Europe to play during the lockout and some of you stayed. During our get together we were having for his birthday there were some people there from school. After most people left my cousin was passed out in the guest bedroom and there were a few people who were still there because they blacked out or didn't want to drink and drive. I was in the main bedroom and I was raped. I tried to fight him off and the worst thing about the whole thing is I knew him. He was in the same major as me and that meant that he was in a good portion of my classes."

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