Stressing over School

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September 26th 2013

Hannah's POV

School has started again and I am almost done. I have two semesters of classes left and then my internship that I will be doing with the Stars. My relationship with Jamie is better than ever and whenever I have questions I ask Bryce because he knows how it's like breaking up with somebody and getting back together with them. Sometimes I ask his teammates and their girlfriends or wives. These past few months haven't been easy all the time but it is getting better.

"The fuck is this shit I don't give two flying fucks if person A is the better fucking manager person B should have the job. Person B knows how to run the fucking company and person A is there just to fuck the workers over."

"Hannah you need to calm down its just homework."

"Don't tell me to calm down its worth ten percent of my grade. It could be the difference between me getting an A and an A- as the highest grade possible. That is the difference between a 4.0 and a 3.7 GPA for this class."

"Okay just forget that I said anything." Colton Sceviour said backing away slowly.

"Sorry Colton." I yell at him as he leaves the locker room.

"You know none of them are going to like you if you keep lashing out at them?"

"Thanks captain obvious did you come up with that on your own?"

"Okay save what you have and close the computer. Put it in the locker and come with me and do not protest you need a break."

"Fine Ray but what are we doing?"

"You'll see."

We walk out to the ice and get on and walk over to the home bench.

"Why are we out here?"

"When I need a place to think I like to come out here. I like to look around and think of all the people that I inspire every time I come out on the ice. I like to see where memories are made not only for me but the fans. To slow down and remember why I am doing it sometimes. I'm 41 and my body should be done soon and I am starting to hurt because of the game. But I am lucky and still get to play. I haven't had a career ending injury or something holding me back from playing. I am thankful for all that my parents have sacrificed over the years for me. I might not be a household name like Sidney Crosby but I got to play the game I love for the past twenty years."

"Do you ever have days when you just want to quit and give up?"

"Yes all the time, when I was younger and today. I probably will a few more times while I continue to play. Then I remember all the time I have put into it and all that my family has put into it. I especially came out here right after I was traded here and I would spend a good amount of time out here just to think about my past twenty years in the league."

"Hey, what would you be doing if you didn't end up playing hockey?"

"I don't know exactly but I know my family would support me no matter what I ended up doing. Can I ask why sport management?"


"Yes please."

"I thought that for the longest time that I was going to be a teacher. I got into a program in high school and it started great. I soon found out that was not what I was going to do with my life. I took a step back and looked at who I was as a person and knew that sports were my life and I wanted to help people through them. I also believed everyone who said that I would be a great teacher and I never really listened to what I wanted in life."

"You know that you are a great person and that you make Jamie happy. He never shuts up about you sometimes. But you probably already know that. I might sound like a dad now but be safe in whatever you guys do. If you guys are having sex make sure it is safe."

'We are being safe I promise and thank you for your concern. He is a special kid that even though we have fought is important to me. I know that if he does anything to me that he has twenty two other people that will beat the shit out of him and if I do anything to him those same twenty two people will talk to me. Or we could awkwardly avoid each other for a year."

"Please don't avoid each other like last time. That was hell on the team and I know I wasn't there when you left for the summer but when you got back I could tell he was hurting every time he saw you. I also know you probably have had this conversation before too."

"Yeah, I see now how bad he had it during that year or so. But it really did hurt me when he didn't want to drive back with me."

"Relationships are a two way street that needs constant communication between both parties. Sometimes a third party needs to help out to see any differences and you have some amazing people who would love to help you if you need help."

"Thanks sometimes I need a talk with an oldie to help clear things up." I say nudging Ray.

"Hey I'm not that old but you're welcome and anytime you need advice from an oldie. Now go finish your homework."

I walked back into the locker room to Alex Goligoski's locker which all my stuff was in. Alex and I have a friendship today because of the day we found out that our birthdays were a day apart. Jamie hates the fact that I hang out in his locker when they have meetings, practice and/or other things to do around the arena.

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