Finding Ourselves

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Hannah's POV

We are on the airplane about to take off to Vegas for the day. Bryce was nice enough to get us first class seats.

"Thank you Bryce."

"You're welcome but can I ask why?"

"Thank you for bringing me to Vegas and thank you for talking to Jamie last night. I heard what you said to him."

"It's no problem I know that you would have to talk to him eventually about the two of you. I think that having someone from the outside of your guys relationship needed to say something. But I think that you need to talk to him when you are not okay though. He will be there for you no matter what. Let him in when you're down because it seems to me he is one of the few people that knows what has happened in your life."

"Thanks and I know I struggle with telling him things at times. You ready for this flight?"

"Yes I am it will be over before you know it."

I sleep the whole way there and Bryce has to wake me up.

"You okay there Hannah?" he says as we are walking through the airport to his car.

"Ask me in like an hour its 7:45 in the morning."

"You hate mornings that bad?"

"No it just takes me some time in the morning to fully wake up and I usually don't like talking in that hour."

"That's fair it will take about an hour to get to where we are going so stay awake on the car ride and then we can talk when we get there. Sound good?"

I just nod my head. I put my headphones in as we get in the car knowing that it will be a long ride and that I have to stay awake somehow. I also don't want to take over his radio not knowing what he is into musically.

It was one of the best rides ever, I got to see where he came from and we stopped at his house to get some of his gear. As he was getting his stuff I got out and went over to the fence of the house and saw two of the cutest huskies ever. Let me tell you he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to have dogs because he is so busy and on the road a lot but whatever floats his boat.

"You like what you see?"

"Yeah I do. Who takes care of them when you are playing?"

"My girlfriend or my family does. What is your favorite thing about dogs?"

'They can hold all your secrets and they will never tell anybody. They love you no matter what and you could be gone for weeks on end and they still love you the same amount on the day you left. They love you from the minute they enter your life until their last minute with you. They don't care what shit you have been through. They are there through all the heartbreaks even if the heartbreak is good in the end. Can we go now?"

"Yeah let's go."

We drive for about five more minutes and get to a little league ballpark. I looked over at Bryce and he had the biggest smile on his face. It's the look I used to get when I would go to games with my dad. Then I realize that this is why Jamie brought him to Dallas. Bryce was the key to making me happier and bringing the smile back that was there seven years ago.

"I know I already said this once today but thank you. I really needed this and Jamie was only trying to make me happy again and bringing you into the picture was the way to make me happy again."

"Hey it is really no problem. You lost two important people in your life within years of each other and no one should go through that. Especially at such a young age and you somehow kept it together. I don't know how long you want to be out here but I have to be at the airport at seven to get back on the road and I think you have a flight at a similar time."

"I don't know how long I need to be out here but okay airport at seven."

I start to walk around the park looking at all the fields and what they named each field. One field's press box had a plaque honoring a person who had dedicated their time to the little league. I take pictures of the plaque and each of the fields.

I notice that Bryce is on one of the biggest fields they have and he is standing on the mound. I take pictures of him standing there. Luckily I am standing at a field near the outfield fence behind him so he can't see me. Seeing him in his happy place reminds me of how my dad was so happy at MLB stadiums. I realize how much I have missed over these seven years and that I need to go back.

"Hey Hannah, can I take some photos of you on the field? I think that Jamie would appreciate that. We could get some pictures together if you wanted." I notice he has turned to face me after getting lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah that sounds good. Do you know who the plaque is dedicated to over the press box?"

"Yeah that was my grandpa he died when I was five and I don't remember him that much but it makes me happy that it will be there for years to come. It will hopefully lead others to dedicate their life to something that is important to them. He liked to make sure that everybody was happy. He was proud of his grandchildren and children in whatever they were doing. I think that if one person can lead another to what they love most then what they are doing is important in this world."

"I'm sorry about that Bryce, let's do this."

We spend most of the day on the field talking, throwing the ball to each other and taking pictures of each other. It was the most fun I have had at a baseball field in years. Hell it's the most fun I have this summer let alone year and a half.

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