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Jamie's POV

July 29th 2013

It has been twenty five days since Tyler Seguin has officially become a Dallas Star. Tyler has been here for about a week. They have spent so much time together since he has been here and we are slowly getting busy with Stars related things today. Hannah ended up applying to the organization and she is now the team photographer.

I shouldn't be upset about them hanging out but it just makes me so jealous and upset. It took so long for her to realize that we were meant for each other that I don't know how to win her back. It has felt like we were drifting further apart even though we around each other all the time.

"Hannah!" I yell walking into her apartment knowing that she was home with Tyson. She took him when we broke up. She couldn't handle being in the same house as me right after we broke up and since she was a girl I let her take Tyson. She never seems to lock her door when she is home; she did that when she lived with me. "I know you are here your front door was unlocked."

"What do you want?" she asks quietly walking out of her room with puffy eyes and tear stains on her shirt.

"Come here," I open my arms as I walk over to her knowing why she's been crying, "I came over to see if you wanted to go to the Rangers game tonight."

"I don't think I can do that to myself. I can't sit in a stadium knowing my dad won't be there with me. Why don't you take Tyler instead, you guys haven't really bonded yet." She says into my shoulder.

"Hannah," I say picking her up and walk over to the couch and sat us down, "I know that it's not the same without your dad. Do it for your dad he would want you enjoying Americas sport. He would want you to enjoy the game you guys loved watching together."

"Why would I put myself through that kind of pain? Especially on my birthday, you know that I hate this day."

"Don't say that just because he died on this day seven years ago doesn't mean this day should always be sad. On this day twenty two years ago the earth gained an amazingly beautiful girl. Twenty two years ago your dad got the most important gift in the world, a baby girl. Every guy that wants a family wants all boys but let me tell you all the guys I know want a baby girl to spoil and love. If your dad was here today he would be so proud of you. I know that he would be the person on twitter replying to all the tweets saying 'my girl took this photo.'"

"So you want a baby girl?"

"Hell yes I do but I would also want a boy to teach hockey to."

"Since we are on this kid topic, how many do you want?"

"Two would be my minimum because I have siblings and I don't want an only child situation for my future kid. I would have a seven kid maximum." I wipe away the few tears that were escaping her eyes.

"You might find this weird J but that is exactly how many I want, two to seven."


"Yes I do. I will go to the game on one condition."

"Wait, what?"

"I will go to the game but if I can't handle it at any point we leave."

"Okay sounds good with me. I don't want to push anything but what are you and Tyler? Are you guys like a thing?"

"Oh God no we aren't a thing. I made you a promise that I wouldn't date douche bags while you were overseas."

"But I am not overseas any more you could have easily gone out with him."

"You see the thing is J, I had and have a lot of great guys that have taught me right from wrong in guys and Tyler had wrong written all over him. He will be great for somebody in this world but it's not me. Plus I think dad would have haunted him till he broke up with me. Plus I could have gone out with half of your teammates other than Tyler anyway."

"Okay what do you want to do till six when we leave?"

"Can we just cuddle till it's time to go? I have missed you."

"Yes we can cuddle. I am willing to cuddle with you as long as you need."

All she did was laugh at me. Man have I missed that laugh and it was her real laugh. She hardly did it over this past year and a half.

"I love you." That is all she whispers. It is the only thing that I needed to hear even if it was meant for Tyson and not me.

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