What are we doing?

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Summer 2012

Hannah's POV

It's now summer for both us and let me just say we both need a break. The stars were struggling and I could see it really affect Jamie. He just wants to go to the playoffs and this year they were 42-35-5 just missing the playoffs by seven points.

This past semester was also my first semester taking classes for both my minors and let me tell taking classes for three different subjects was really stressful. There were administration and marketing things that would relate to sport but not the other way around all the time.

Let me update you on where we are in our relationship. It has been about three years since when have moved down here. I just finished my third year of school. It's been about two years since we have officially been together and it's been a fantastic two years. It's been about a year and half since my family has officially known that we were together.

"Jamie I love you and I think that we need to go on vacation."

"Where should we go Banana?"


"But we are home."

"No, we need to go to Victoria, home. When was the last time we have both been back together? I think that it will be best if we both go back for a week."

"Well you haven't been back since we moved here so never. I go for a few weeks in the summer to see my family. Are you sure that we should go back?"

"Yeah I need to talk to my dad. It has been too long since I have talked to him. Plus I can't stay away forever."

"That sounds good, should I go book a flight for next week?"


"You want to drive back? Are you crazy that are like a thirty-six hour drive?"

"Fine let's just fly. I wanted to spend some quality time with you and thirty-six is a lot longer than the about six that it takes to fly."

"No we can drive I would love to spend time with you in a car."

"Stop, I don't want to talk about it anymore we can just fly."

"Hannah Benn we are not just going to stop talking about this. Are we going to fly or are we going to drive?"

"I don't care what you are doing but I am flying home and that is not my last name."

"You don't even want to go with me anymore do you? I thought that it would be nice to catch up with your family while we were there. It would be nice to relax with you there. Maybe I should just stay here while you go."

"Now that you mention it I don't want you to come I will just go by myself. I'll see you when I get back." I say walking out not caring if Jamie came after me. I just needed space and I went to the one place that felt like home away from home. The rink.

I get to the rink and stay there for a few hours before deciding that I should go home to Victoria. Being on the ice for the first time since Jamie got me back on was nice. I had forgotten what it felt like and it was relaxing. I suddenly realize that I don't have anything with me other than my wallet.

"Fuck this I'm just going to the airport." I mumble as I leave the parking lot.

I texted J after I buy a ticket for the next flight home to Victoria.

Banana- I'm on the next flight to Victoria I'll see you in a week.

J Bear- Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Banana- Yes I am. I just need some time alone and with my family. Mainly I need time with my dad.

J Bear- I'm sorry for earlier. I should have handled that situation better.

Banana- No you're not.

Banana- See you in a week.

Banana- Maybe.

J Bear- Don't do this to me. Don't do this to us.

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