Chicken nuggets and Vegas

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Hannah's POV

"Can we go eat some food before we discuss my dad anymore?"

"Hell yes we can. I think that you need to make food for like five people instead of three, Banana."

"Why five?"

"Well there are two professional athletes in this house that can probably eat for two apiece and then there is me. So that is why I need to make food for five. So, other than Mac and Cheese what are we having for dinner?"

"This might sound weird but do you have chicken nuggets?"

"Yes we do, well yes Jamie has chicken nuggets. Jamie what do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"One no and two do you want chicken nuggets?" Bryce laughs.


"Do you want a beer Bryce?"

"Sure why not."

"J you can get your own." I say grabbing one for Bryce and one for myself.

Dinner took almost an hour because the fat ass couldn't wait and I had to chase him out of the kitchen like four times.

"Okay let's eat now."

"Finally it took you long enough Banana."

"You did not just say that. It took me almost an hour because you were bugging me and trying to eat the chicken nuggets while I making dinner."

We eat our food with sports center on and finish as a new hour of sports center starts. I get up and turn the TV off.

"You ready to hear why I freaked out earlier about my dad?" I ask Bryce as I throw away our paper plates and beer bottles.

"I think I am as ready as I can be."

"My dad died seven years ago today. So my birthday kind of sucks now."

"I'm sorry about that. How old are you today?"

"Twenty-two. The year that my dad died we went to a lot of baseball games together. We got really close that year and then he died. The reason I freaked out about the sunflower was because we planted them every year together. I gave up baseball just like I gave up hockey when my grandpa passed away. I just got back on ice a few years ago."

"So you played Hockey?"

"Yeah, with Jamie till I was thirteen and it took him about five years to get me back on the ice. I don't know how much longer it will take me to go back inside a MLB stadium but I hope it's soon. I have missed it but I don't think a MLB stadium is the best place to start."

"How do you feel about Vegas?"

"It's a great place and I have always wanted to go there."

"Jamie do you trust me taking her there tomorrow while you have that interview."

"Yes I do but she has to be there too at the interview."

"J I actually took tomorrow off. They know about today. I asked if I could have tomorrow off when I was being interviewed and explained why."

"Why didn't you take this morning off?"

"I needed a distraction and they need their team photographer for Tyler's visit to the hospital. People want to see Tyler on his first day of doing things in the community and plus I have coworkers that can step in for the interview that you and Tyler have tomorrow."

"Bryce will she need anything for this trip?" Jamie asks.

"If she wants she can bring her glove and that's it. That is unless she wants to bring anything else on the trip."

"Is it okay if I bring my camera and take pictures of the field?" I shyly ask Bryce.

"Hell yes it is as long as you get some good looking pictures of both of us together."

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