The civilian

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Chapter 8

Many in America didn't know what was going to happen. They thought that they were just having some political issues and then bam. War breaks out and they want to destroy other countries. All united under one flag, one reason. They suddenly felt pride and honor in this war. Of course there was that stupid little group that didn't want war. The government didn't do anything because others have already. They kicked and fought but that didn't change. All they have to do is spill blood and that's all. And they were okay with it.

America knew there was something wrong before this war happened. His citizens, his children, they were becoming more aggressive, more bloodthirsty. He couldn't stop any of it. Why? Why were his children becoming like this? He didn't want this.

He wanted to go to England or Canada but whenever he got close he felt like he needed to kill. Why? Why were his children making feel like this? That's how America started to lose himself. But then came veteran's day. He was finally able to pull himself together but he remembered. He remembered the deaths and causes of war. His friends, no his enemies. Why- They needed to parish. No!- He needed to revenge them. Then he remember.

It takes a lot of courage, your family left behind

Not knowing has you are going to war, if you will live or die.

Those words he said them to someone. Did he?

Many make this sacrifice, and they fight to keep us free

They're doing it for each of us; they're are doing it for me

Yes-No he was the powerful country that wasn't getting insulted everyday. He couldn't stand by that.

Thank you Military, our country's proud of you

We all proud so grateful, for everything everything you do

Yes he was The United States Of America. Why did he attacked before? Why did he go by this?

And with our flag a wavin',we'll. proudly stand and say

Thank you Military, we honor you today

Yes he could stand by while those weak pathetic countries insulted his children.

The Army and the Navy, the Air Force and the marines

And to our allied forces, and those behind the scenes

Let's not forget our Coast Guards, who protects our homeland too

He was strong.

America is grateful; we give our thanks to you

Yes, he's the hero after all. Then he wouldn't attack them. Why didn't he do before?

"Why should I apologize to your stupid America Marine exactly, what are they?"

Romano. Yes he insulted the fallen ones. The ones that died to protect him and the other countries. Did they died for them to insult him and them?

"Ha! He's weak like his stupid_ army!"

No... He was weak. Yes he's other half of Italy right? One dies the other gets to be a full country. No! This is- Right.

Men and woman died every day as a Marien, and this_had the gall to insult to them?

Then he understood why his children have been like this. They were tired to be insulted again and again. They didn't want to protect those ungrateful countries.

No not anymore.

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