Chapter 1 (The First Day Of School)

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I groaned putting on my glasses before looking at the time... 6:25 which meant I had to get up to get ready for the first day of school.I shut off the alarm and got out of bed heading straight to my bathroom. My first day of my Senior year of high school,one week before I learned who my soul mate is. I looked in the mirror and smiled as my usually messy, tangled hair looked somewhat decent. I brushed my hair and threw it up in a high ponytail before brushing my teeth. I decided not to put in my contacts and just leave on my glasses today as I went back into my room.

I opened my closet and picked out a random band tee and a pair of ripped gray skinny jeans. I took off my pajamas and quickly changed into my clothes seeing as twenty minutes had passed somehow and my school starts as 7:15. I looked in the mirror and smiled as I realized the shirt I pulled out was a Black Veil Brides shirt. I did a quick once over in the mirror and then walked downstairs where my mom and dad were waiting for me as well as my dumb ass of a twin brother Elijah.

Let me explain, Elijah and I are polar opposites therefore our friend groups are polar opposites. He is a jock that plays football and basketball while barely focusing on getting good grades which means all of his friends are pretty much the same way. On top of that Elijah hates Alternative/Rock music but loves Hip hop. I on the other hand focus heavily on school and get good grades plus I am in love with Rock and Alternative music and my friends are pretty much the same way. But despite all that Elijah is still one of my best friends because we are twins DUH.

I waved to my parents before grabbing my book bag plus keys before walking out the door with Elijah doing the same. I walked towards my baby My 1967 Chevy Impala that is in perfect condition. I threw my book bag in the passenger seat and buckled up before turning on the car and pulling out of the driveway taking the quickest route to school.

Skipping Car Ride

Pulling into the school parking lot I got a lot of stares from the Freshmen as always because of my car. I noticed across the lot that my brothers red pickup truck was already parked which means for once he got to school on time. I cut the engine and collected my things before getting out of the car and starting to walk through the parking lot into the courtyard straight to where my small group of friends were.

I was met with a chorus of "Hi Andrea" before we settled into our normal conversation about whether or not the teachers will get any better this year etc. etc. The bell rang after about ten minutes and I continued to my first class English, great...

I sat down in the back as I know this teacher is a bonehead.Plus it is the first day so it will be introduction day the entire class period anyway. Right before the late bell rings in walks a new kid and he sits right next to me and man was he hot. He had to be around 6'3 at least with muscles that looked like sheer perfection,he had a perfect tan and was wearing Jeans and a Black T-shirt that made him look like a god.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and payed attention as the teacher called role. When he said here I nearly shivered from how deep and sexy his voice was and his name sounded so perfect, Jasper. I quickly regained myself and fixed my glasses as he called my name after saying here quickly the teacher started speaking mindlessly about himself and while I would normally pay attention I couldn't get my mind off of Jasper and I didn't know why.

I almost was certain he was a stereotypical Jock but there was something different about him. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he leaned back and ran his hand through his short black hair before I saw him turn his bright green eyes towards me and smile. I saw him writing something before he passed me a note. All it said was "Like what you see?"

I blushed and crumbled the note, was I that obvious? I then noticed a lot of other girls looking at him and frowned. Well great any chance of me being with him is quickly out the window seeing as I'm decent but not breathtaking. I am about 5'6 with straight Brown hair down to my shoulders and dark blue eyes with a kind of curvy figure. I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt saddened suddenly, Why was I upset about a guy who I don't even know? Whatever I am probably just Pmsing so my mood is all over the place. The bell for class to end finally rang and I collected my things and bolted out of that class heading straight towards my next class,Calculus. I relaxed as the teacher explained that this was gonna be an introduction day but I was also relaxed that I didn't see Jasper in the class or even in the same hallway as I was entering.

The rest of the school day was like first period I had Jasper in 4 out of 7 of my class periods and the ones I didn't have him in, I found myself daydreaming about him. At lunch I kind of zoned out reading as all of my friends had second lunch and I had first lunch. After the last school bell rang I jumped out of my seat and quickly headed to my car when I saw the one and only Jasper and he was talking to Elijah who next to each other look the same in build but Elijah's hair and eye color match mine.

I practically ran past them and jumped into my car firing up the engine and almost speeding out of the parking lot just to avoid them. I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me. I had never EVER reacted to a hot guy like this. I shrugged it off for now and just concentrated on driving... this is gonna be a interesting school year.


For anyone who reads this story if anyone reads it I apologize for any mistakes I might have made in the chapter. This is my first story ever uploaded to Watt pad or anywhere for that matter so please take that into account. I love writing and if anyone reads it I will be happy to keep uploading parts to this story.

Have an awesome day,


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