5~The Shot

17 3 0

- Charlotte

Present Day

I stumbled through the town, watching for any other movements but my own. The pain in my ankle was going off like a siren with every step. This was Hell.

I heard a watery moan in the distance and ducked into a house. I always hated going into houses but it's either that or running. And I don't think I'd get far with my injury. The photos on the walls and homely attitude made me sick.

I could decapitate a zombie without a second thought but seeing the old family photos made me weak to my stomach.

I turned the corner and my breath stopped in my throat. A woman was hanging from the ceiling. Her toes were barely scraping the floor. A thick rope held her up but her neck and I knew she had been here a while. I slowly moved past her body and across the hallway.

Everything was silent... until a sharp pain on my head sent me falling back. The dead woman was gripping my hair in her hand. It was then that I noticed the teeth marks on her leg. She had been bitten before she died.

I let out a cry as I yanked my head away from her. She let out a low growl and in my panic, I sent a bullet through her chest. The echo rang through the town and I covered my ears as I bolted down the hall. It would be impossible not to hear the gunshot.

"I'm an idiot! God!" I screamed and I ran into a room. I shut the door and turned the lock. I fumbled to put the gun back in my pack and pulled out a knife. I don't know why I really bothered. It's not like I had to be quiet now. Every zombie in the town would be on their way right now.

I looked through the cracks in the boarded up window. A few zombies were on their way already, but I knew more were still coming.

I've lived like this for over a month. I should have known better.

A loud pounding on the door sent me backing up into the wall. I gripped my knife tighter until my knuckles turned white. I could take down one or two zombies no problem, but right now I was trapped and I knew a lot were coming.

I was terrified.

"Open the fucking door!" A voice yelled. I let out a sharp gasp at the voice. Zombies don't speak... right? Please tell me they don't speak! "If you don't let me in now, we'll both be killed in a matter of minutes." The voice demanded. I stumbled over and unlocked the door. I opened it slightly and saw a man outside.

He had dark brown curly hair. His plain walnut eyes were bloodshot as he stared at me. Neither of us moved for a moment until he pushed the door wider open.

"Who are you?" I stuttered. He glanced around the room, ignoring me. The man started tugging on the boards as he tried to clear the window.

"I need a crowbar or something." He muttered, looking around.

"This is a bedroom, not a factory. Why would there be a crowbar in here?" I demanded. The man shot me a look and turned back to the window.

"We can't get out of here through the door. They'll be here and minute. Either we get out through the window and run or we fight. I'd rather take my chances outside than in here." He explained quickly. I shut the door and hurried over to help him.

He took a long knife from his belt and started shaving away at the board. I turned to the door and watched carefully as he kept on with the slow process.

I heard footsteps in the hall and held my breath. It'll be alright.

"Okay, I got one off. There's just one left." The man said.

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