13~The Night

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- Charlotte

Present Day

We were getting close. I just knew it. We found a couple a few miles back and they told us that the haven was a real place. They said it was fortified and had soldiers and food and anything we would need. 

I'm still worried about Brent's injury. He keeps telling me he feels alright but I know he isn't. He groans while he sleeps and wakes up in cold sweats. 

We set up camp on the outskirts of a forest. It seemed safe enough and we were both so exhausted that we didn't care. Brent fell asleep already. I tried already but my nerves are still too high. All I can think about is getting Brent help. I couldn't survive if he died. I don't know how I made it on my own in the first place. 

I thought I was strong before. I thought I could take care of myself in this world. I have to say, I did make it alright on my own for a bit. But I was living on borrowed time and I should have died a long time ago. I tried to play a hero but I was weak. I was a coward. And Brent was the only reason I was alive.

I rolled over on my side. I watched the black sky out of the corner of my eye. Blinking lights adorned the blanket of darkness. I never watched the sky. In my neighborhood, you could barely make anything out. In the woods, though, the stars were as bright as ever. 

I shut my tired eyes and tried to breathe. Brent and I rarely found a time to relax in this world. Life just kept throwing punches even when we tried to back down. The only way to get out of this fight is to give up completely and neither of us would ever do that. No, I'm not going down without a fight.

The darkness wasn't as comforting as I hoped. No, behind my lids was emptiness. It left my chest tight and my throat burning. 

I wanted to scream. I wanted the sun to start shining again and all my worries to go away. I wanted to wake up in my bed on a normal day. Heck, I wouldn't even mind if it was a school day.

Just let me wake up. 

But here I am trapped in my head. My body is motionless on the ground as the trees rustle slightly in the wind and a demonic, low growl echoes through the air.

I should consider myself lucky. I mean, I'm alive. There are many people out there getting killed right now. At least I'm not one of them.

It was then that I caught on. The growl. The rustles. That wasn't wind.

Before I could move, a sharp pain overwhelmed my senses. I let out a bloody scream and shot up. There, at my side, was a creature. Its sharp teeth were digging into my arm.

"Charlotte, what's wrong?" Brent asked wearily. My screams didn't stop. I scrambled back, toppling over our supplies in the process. I didn't care. 

I was bitten.

Brent must have realized what was happening. In a second, his knife was embedded in the creature's forehead. He whirled around and saw me panicking on the ground.

My breath came out in short spurts and my eyes widened as a heavy burning filled my chest. 

"Charlotte, don't you dare die on me!" Brent screamed at me.

My body involuntarily started shaking and I hit the ground with so much force that it knocked my breath away. I couldn't breathe. I... I couldn't see.

I couldn't see.

I felt a hot liquid drip down my chin and start burning into my skin. My screams were cut off chokes as I struggled to get air in. My body felt like it was on fire.

I distantly heard my name being screamed. But, my head was too foggy to realize who it was. The voice seemed miles away, and it got farther every second.

I didn't want to die.

Those five words stuck in my mind. I didn't want to die. Oh God, I didn't want to die. Even as my thoughts slipped away, the words stuck.

I didn't want to die.

The pain was thickening throughout my body. It filled my senses.

I didn't want to die.

I... I couldn't...


I... didn't want to die.

Those words were the first thing I thought of when I bolted upright.

I doubled over on the grass and vomit flew from my mouth. I let out a short scream and wiped the burning liquid off of my face. 

I could faintly make out the mess I created in the grass. It was as if someone put a thin veil in front of my eyes. Everything was tinted black.

"Dear God." A voice breathed. I looked up slowly and saw a man with a knife in his hands standing over me.


I cried out as he swung the knife at me. I rolled out of the way as fast as I could in the wet grass. Before he could swing again, I scrambled to my feet.

"Brent, I'm not dead!" I screamed. 

He didn't listen. Brent lunged forward and I jumped behind a tree. It was so hard to see what was happening and I prayed he wasn't next to me.

"Brent, I am not dead!" I yelled again, hoping he would make sense of my words. Everything got silent and I prayed it worked.

Then, a rough hand grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me to the ground. 

"What the Hell do you mean?" Brent growled as he loomed over me.

"I... I don't know. One minute I was in pain, and the next, I was able to breathe."

Brent let out a scoff and brushed the dark hairs out of his face. He still held the knife close to my throat but he lost some of the edge.

"Charlotte, you were bitten. There is no way you could have lived." He spat. I shook my head. I don't know how it happened, but I know I'm alive. I just need him to believe me, too. 

"Listen, I know it seems crazy, but I swear, I'm here. I... I remember everything. I remember getting bitten and the pain and... I know I didn't want to die. You told me, Brent. You told me not to die! Why can't you just believe me?" I cried. 

He slowly lowered his knife and I let out a shaky breath. Brent didn't seem convinced, but he wasn't trying to kill me anymore. I'd take it.

"Alright, here's the deal. I'll let you live, but, if you try anything, I won't hesitate to put a knife in your head." He muttered. I nodded slowly and he stepped back. I got to my feet and watched as he grabbed the supplies that I had thrown about.

"We're going to get moving. I won't be able to sleep a wink with you here." He muttered. I didn't argue. I was just glad he wasn't trying to kill me.

I was just glad I was alive.

I started walking with him, ignoring the dark pit inside my stomach. It grew bigger as I thought about the elephant in the room.

Why was I alive?

I simply pushed it down again and kept walking.


Hey dudes! So this chapter may seem confusing, but it'll make sense later on. Yes, Charlotte did get bit. And yes, she did turn. But just hang with me and it'll all be sorted out later! Thank you all for reading! So keep reading, comment, vote, enjoy!

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