12~The Crowd

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Present Day

The image of Peter's body wouldn't leave my eyes. The strangled cries echoed over and over in my ears as people run around in a frenzy. No one knows what to do. People are screaming and crying and even though there's dozens of them by me, I still feel like I'm alone.

I don't want to be alone.

"Quenten!" A voice screams out. I perk up and look around wildly. The crowds blur past me and I can't make anyone out. My name is called again and I jump up. It's clearly a woman's voice.

"Mommy?" I call back. For a split second, I feel warmth filling my chest at the thought of my mom coming back. She'd find me and we'd hug and get far away from here.

Then I remembered she's dead.

Just like Peter and Ellie and my dad.

"Quenten, oh baby!" I look up to see Brendie rushing forward. She had blood splattered on her cheek, but it didn't look like any of it was her's. Brendie grabbed my arm and I wince at her tight grip. But... I guess that was what I needed.

I needed someone to hold on to. It was as if the world was pulling me away and Brendie was the only thing holding me back down to the Earth. She was my gravity.

Peter flashed in my memories again and I looked up quickly. "Peter, he-" 

"I know, Quenten." Brendie snapped quickly. I could see the pained look in her eyes as she thought of the man she loved. "He'd... he'd want us to keep moving. We can't stay here. It's just a matter of time before they come back." She said.

"Do you mean the zombies?" I asked. The word felt awkward on my tongue. 

"Don't call them that!" Brendie yelled. I flinched at her outburst and she ran a stressed hand through her dark hair. "They're not some damn creatures. Peter is not a creature. They're still people, Quenten. They're sick and hopefully one day they'll be healthy again."

No, they're not people anymore.

People don't go around tearing flesh from each other. 

People don't have black eyes.

Why... why do they have black eyes?

I didn't get a chance to ask Brendie. She yanked me forward a few feet; sending me tumbling out of my thoughts. I looked behind us and saw why she was in a hurry. Officers in dark black uniforms started to swarm by the zombies. 

A pale woman stepped towards the terrified crowd. She had raven black hair cut slightly above her chin line. The thin hair look tousled and I saw dark shadows looming under her eyes.

"Attention everyone! We are here to help you. The airport has been closed off but we have buses on their way to take you out of the city. Get into orderly lines. Women and children are to be put first and we will not hesitate to put down anyone who poses as a threat!"

Voices in the crowd got louder and people shoved closer all around us. Brendie held me close to her side and we moved forward.

"This isn't fair! I'm not leaving my wife!" A man yelled in front of us. Soldiers forced a woman, presumably his wife, away from him as he yelled. I heard distant gun shots but the chaos around us made it hard to hear where they were coming from.

"Women and young children can now start to enter the bus!" A voice announced. Brendie pulled me forward but we only made it a few feet before the crowd molded together in front of us.

"Hey! We need to get through!" Brendie yelled. She let go of me and stormed to the people in front. Before she could say a word, the screams got louder. People in the crowd started to run for the single bus. More shoved their way on and Brendie yanked me to my feet.

"Are the zombies in the crowd?" I asked. She ignored me and we rushed forward. I saw a second bus arriving and the crowd aimed to get on. Someone shoved me from behind and my hand slipped out of Brendie's.

"Quenten!" She cried as she was pushed with the crowd. People kept moving all around me and I saw one of the zombies on top of a man a few feet away.

A jolt of pain shot through my chest and I howled out. A woman had trampled over me in her panic. I tried to get up but more people kept running. Feet hit my stomach again and one foot kicked me on my forehead. My screams were mixed in with the crowd's.

"Somebody help me! Stop!" I screeched to the people running  by. No one even glanced over to see if I was alright. I felt like I was about to puke as pain swirled in my torso. I crawled forward a few feet and started coughing.

Drops of blood hit the cold ground and a chill ran through me as the metallic taste filled my mouth. Was I going to die?

Was I going to be killed like mom and dad and Ellie and Peter? Were the zombies going to eat me too? I didn't want to die like that. I never thought of dying before.

It's not a fun thought.

"Brendie!" I sobbed. I felt a line of spit roll down my chin and I started to bawl. Brendie couldn't hear me. She was probably on a bus on her way to a different town. Either that... or she was dead already. Maybe the zombies got her too. 

My vision blurred from the tears but I just cried harder. My throat burned and it matched the rest of the pain in my body.

A low growl sent me panicking. I looked up immediately to see a black eyed zombie looking down at me.

I forgot to ask Brendie why their eyes were black. Would she know?

"Please! Don't... don't hurt me." I cried. I tried to pull myself back but a second later, a hand latched on my foot. I screamed and started kicking as the zombie leaned down. 

A second zombie crawled over to me and I screamed louder. No matter how loud I was, no one would hear me. I don't think anyone wanted to hear me.

Sharp nails dug into my thigh and I started to flail. My panic didn't last long. As more hands reached for me, my vision started to darken. The pain all melded together until it felt like my entire body was on fire. No scream could explain how I felt.

I was alone.

I was alone in a crowd. 

I was alone as the hoard dug into my skin and ripped it apart.

I was alone as I screamed.

And I was alone as I died.


Hey dudes! Oh my God, this year has been so crazy. Junior year absolutely sucks. I got VERY busy but Spring Break is coming up so I decided I should start writing again. I hope you all liked this chapter! So read, comment, vote, and most of all... enjoy!

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